Distance Education in Tamil Nadu

Tamil Nadu Distance Learning is provided by Universities of Tamil Nadu. These correspondence courses offer the students a chance to pursue something additional with their studies, it may be some vocational trainings or some brief study course that would enhance the degree that they are pursuing through distance education.

Initially distance education in Tamil Nadu was not considered a very good education option before the students but in this competitive world of today, distance learning is fast gaining importance as it allows multiple educational options to function together.

Ultimately, a student pursuing distance education is bound to receive the degree from a recognized university in Tamil Nadu, so there is no reason why a student should not opt for pursuing distance learning in Tamil Nadu. If at all a student is somehow averse to the idea of distance education, then there are also students but in this competitive world of today, distance learning is fast gaining importance as it allows multiple educational options to function together. Ultimately, a student pursuing distance education is bound to receive the degree from a recognized university in Tamil Nadu, so there is no reason why a student should not opt for pursuing distance learning in Tamil Nadu. If at all a student is somehow averse to the idea of distance education, then there are also

Here, on this page, we have attempted to provide you information about distance learning courses in Tamil Nadu and distance learning universities in Tamil Nadu. We have tried to provide as authentic information as possible but incase there is some discrepancy in the distance learning courses and distance learning universities of Tamil Nadu provided here, then please do write to us about it. We would appreciate any kind of effort that would improve the quality of the site.


Name Address Phone /Email
Directorate of Distance Education, Karaikudi, Tamil Nadu 630003 Ph : 04565 - 229230
Fax : 04565 - 225216

Email: alagappadde@yahoo.co.in
Website : www.alagappauniversity.ac.in
Bharathidasan University Centre For Distance Education, Khajamalai Campus, Tiruchirappalli - 620 023 Ph : 0431-2420277, 2420732
Fax : 0431- 2421637
Institute For Social Sciences And Research College Of Continuing Education, Vellore 632006 (Tamil Nadu) ****
Madurai Kamaraj University Directorate Of Distance Education,Palkalai Nagar, Madurai 625021 Ph : 91-452-2458471
Fax : 91-452-2458265
Email : mkudde@mkudde.org
Website : www.mkudde.org
Manonmaniam Sundaranar University Directorate Of Distance & Continuing Education, Tirunelveli - 627 012 Tamil Nadu Ph : (0462) 2321620, 2321614,
Email : tvl_distance@sancharnet.in
Website : www.msuniversitytvl.net
Mother Teresa Women's University Kodaikanal 624102, Tamil Nadu Ph: 04546-241021(o)
Fax : 04542-241121
Email :atwunivc@yahoo.co.in
Website : www.motherteresauniv.org
University Of Madras Institute of Distance Education,Chepauk, Chennai 600005 Ph : 25385539; 25393347 Extn: 413,
Website : www.unom.ac.in