Distance Education in New Zealand

Distance Learning Courses in New Zealand are available not only for pursuing higher education but also for early child hood, primary , Secondary, tertiary and vocational levels of study. The Correspondence School of New Zealand is one such distance learning Institute that provides courses for early childhood, primary and Secondary Education to students of New Zealand and abroad. Most of the Distance Learning Institutes in New Zealand offers course website, videotapes, DVDs, audiotapes, audio CDs, CD- ROMs depending on the nature of the course so that the need for face to face interaction is not felt frequently.

In order to ensure the quality of distance education in New Zealand , some associations have also come into existence. The New Zealand Association for professional working in flexible, open and networked education or Deanz, as it is shortly known, is one such national association working for fostering growth of distance Education in New Zealand.

As distance education gains popularity among the students, more and more Universities in New Zealand have started offering various courses through distance education. Moreover the courses offered by New Zealand distance learning institutes may also vary.

Therefore, on this page, we have attempted to provide the names and contact details of the Universities in New Zealand and New Zealand Colleges that provide distance learning courses.

We have tried to provide correct and updated details about the Universities and correspondence colleges providing distance education in New Zealand but if you encounter any discrepancy in the information provided here, please do write to us. We would appreciate any kind of effort that would improve the quality of the site, a site that attempts to provide the best information on distance education in New Zealand.


Name Address Phone /Email
Whitireia Community Polytechnic Wineera Drive
Porirua City,
Private Bag 50910, Porirua City New Zealand
Ph : 64 4 237 3100
Fax : 64 4 237 3101
Email :info@whitireia.ac.nz Web: www.whitireia.ac.nz
The Open Polytechnic of New Zealand Private Bag 31914 Lower Hutt
New Zealand
Ph : 0508 650 200
Fax : 04 913 5308
Web: www.openpolytechnic.ac.nz