Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College, Aligarh
English | Botany | Zoology | Physics | Chemistry
1. English composition:
(a) Varieties of construction
(b) Idiomatic usage.
(c) Expansion of outlines.
(d) Drafting of letters. Reports and Memoranda.
(e) Brief Essay on a subject of common interest.
(f) Precis.
2. Comprehension and use of English:
- Essential Grammar with the following items:
The basic verb forms. Pronouns and the determinatives. the common prepositions, the common conjunctions, time expression, basic sentence patterns, parts of speech.
- Simple letter-writing.
- Paragraph writing.
- Unseen passages of simple modern prose of about 100 words.
- (i) Inflorescence. (ii) Flower. (iii) Fruits. (iv) Dispersal.
- Floral characters and economic importance of families: Ranuculaceae, Cruciferae, Malvaceae, Leguminosae, Reosaceae, Solanaceae, Compositae, Liliacease, Graminea and Cucurbitaceae .
- Cytology: Plant cell as a unit of structure and function of protoplasm its organic and inorganic constituents, structure, physical and chemical properties. Microscopic and submicroscopic structure of a green plant cell.
- Anatomy of plant tissue: Classification functions and structure of permanent tissues. concepts of meristem.
- Life history of Angiosperms in detail.
- Elements of genetics.
- (i) Elementary physiology: Diffusion, transpiration, Respiration,
Photosynthesis, osmosis and "Growth and movement" .
(ii} Ecology: Its meaning and different factors:
- Structure and reproduction of the following plants:
Algae: Spirogyra and Ulothrix
Fungi: Rhizopus, yeast and Penicillium.
Bacteria: A general Account.
Bryophytes : Riccia and funaria (Excluding details of development) .
Ptoridophytes: Fern (Excluding anatomy and details of development) .
Gymnosperms: Cycas and Pinus ( A general account)
- Bolds, classification of the plant Kingdom.
- Economic importance of Algae, Fungi, Bacteria and Virus.
- Zoology: Its definition and scope. Classification of animals.
- Protoplasm: Its nature, composition and properties.
- Ultra structure of animals cells, Cytoplasmic organnelles, their structure and
function; cell division; mitosis and meiosis.
- Elementary genetics: Variations, heredity, Mendal's Laws of inheritance.
- Brief history of the idea of Organic Evolution as proposed by Lamark, Darwin
and De Vries, Evidences of Evolution.
- Morphology, life history and economic or biomedical importance of the
following: Amoeba proteus, Entamoeba histolytica, Paramecium, trypanosma,
Plasmodium, Hydra, Fasciola hepatica, Taenia solium, Ascaris lubricoides,
pheretima and Periplaneta amerlcana.
- An elementary knowledge of the common nematode parasites of man, viz. , Pin
worms, Hook worm and the Filaria Worms .
- Arthropodes as vectors of communicable diseases.
- Type study of the following animals with particular reference to their anatomy
and physiology .
(i) Frog (ii) Rabbit
- Animal Associations. Commpensalism, Symbiosis, Parasitism, Predation.
- Mechanism of properties of matter
- Heat
- Light
- Sound
- Magnetism
- Electricity
- Electronics
- Modem Physics
A. General Chemistry
Dalton atomic theory, atoms and molecules. Laws of chemical combinations, Gaseous Laws of diffusions, Avagardo's hypothesis. Atomic, equivalent and molecular weights. Types of chemical action, catalysis, theory of ionization and electrolysis. Structure of atom and periodic classification of elements. Variation of the properties of atom in the periodic table, oxidation-reduction reactions, oxidation number .
B. Inorganic Chemistry
- Preparation (including manufacture, properties and uses of the following:
Ozone, hydrogen peroxide, ammonia, nitric acid, chlorine, hydrogen sulphide,
sulphur dioxide, sulphuric acid.
- Allotrophy of carbon and phosphorus
- Hard and soft water
- Fixation of nitrogen
- Metallurgy, types of operations and furnaces.
Extraction of Fe, Cu, Xn, Ag, Sn, Al, Pb, Na, Hg, and their alloys.
- Position in the periodic table, general characteristics, preparation and
properties of the following:
- Halogen acids.
- Oxides and Oxy acids of N, P and Cl.
- Study of Artificial manures, photography, glass, cement, bleaching powder, plaster of paris, Lunar caustic, potassium permanganate, potassium dichromate, sodium thiosulphate, phosphine. Lead carbonate, Acetate and Oxides, A1ums, Potassium Ferro and ferricynanides, caustic soda and sodium Carbonate, phosphorus pentoxide and pentachloride.
C. Organic Chemistry
- Nature of covalent bond, Organic redicles, ions and bases, indnetive, electromeric
and resonance effects, electrophillic and nucleophillic reagents isomerism.
- Preparation and functional group properties of the following cases of compounds
with emphasis on points noted against each of them:
(i) Alknoes: (free redical substitution), alkanes (electrophillic addition)
Markownikoffs addition, peroxide effect alkynes substitution reaction.
(ii) Alcohols : Classification, distinction, fermentation and wood distillation.
(iii) Alkylhalides: Reactivity, nucleophilic substitution and synthetic uses,
(iv) Carbonyle compounds: Nucleophilic addition. Polymerisation and
(v) Ethers basic nature Ziesel's estimation.
(vi) Carboxylic acid: Molecular associations, functional derivatives, abnormal
reaction of formic acid, simple, substitute acid, Oxalic acid.
(vii) Amines: Classification, basic, nature, distinction area.
- Aromatic Compound: study of benzene (resonance), toluene, phenol conversion of
benzene into benzyl alcohol, benzonic and salicylic acid, pyridine.
- Glycerol: Oils and fats.
- Isolation of glucose, fructose, tartaric and citric acids.