
CBSE Guess > Education > Scholarship > Scholarships Abroad > Rhodes Scholarship > Eligibility


The Rhodes Scholarship is only for Indian citizen. They should have completed 19 years of age but not 25 years of age as on 1st October of the year of admission. For student who stduing postgraduate, student must have at least a first class degree in Sciences, Humanities, Law, Engineering, Agriculture or Medicine from an Indian University.

Those student who are in the final year of their degree course and have an exceptionally bright academic record are also eligibe to apply. Student who apply for medical studies should consult the Secretary, as well as Medical School Office at Oxford, before submitting their applications.

Marital status is not a bar to applying for, or holding a Rhodes scholarship. However the scholarship stipend is sufficient only for the awardee and Trust will not take any responsibility towards the support of a scholar's spouse. Spouses who are not British citizens will find it difficult to obtain permission to undertake paid work in England.

The committee of selection in India is responsible for deciding wheather the candidature of the applicants is in acordance with the condition of the Trust and for making nominations. The selection of student is made subject to sanction by the Rhodes Trustees.


Related Informations
Eligibility Procedure after Selection
Selection Process Contact Details