The University offers a broad-based education tailored to produce well-rounded graduates with the intellectual breadth and robustness to be lifelong learners. Global in outlook, we draw students who have excelled in a diverse range of disciplines.
The National University of Singapore welcomes applicants from all educational backgrounds. In order for our office to evaluate your application appropriately, please review the following categories and determine which category best describes you.
Attention Category A, B, C, D and E applicants
Applying for full-time undergraduate admission in academic year
Applicant category Requirements and closing dates Application fee
:: Category A ::
Applicants, regardless of nationality, presenting the Singapore-Cambridge GCE 'A' level certificate and SAT I scores. The deadline is 1 April of the current year.
± Requirements
± FAQ - DBS/POSBank ATM - $15 NETS/ Visa/ Mastercard/ cheque-$20
» Applicant category Requirements and closing dates Application fee
:: Category B::
Applicants, regardless of nationality, presenting a diploma from a polytechnic in Singapore and SAT I scores. Admissions exercise lasts from 22 February to 23 March every year .
± Requirements
± FAQ - See
» Applicant category Requirements and closing dates Application fee
:: Category C ::
Applicants, regardless of nationality, who will be at least 25 years of age with at least 4 years of work experience (i.e. mature applicants). Same as for Categories A, B or E depending on qualification(s) held.
Mature applicants may apply with the Singapore-Cambridge GCE 'A' level certificate or a diploma from a polytechnic in Singapore. Diplomas from private institutions are normally unacceptable for application.
± Requirements - Same as for Categories A, B or E depending on qualification(s) held.
» Applicant category Requirements and closing dates Application fee
:: Category D ::
International applicants with international qualifications
± Requirements -Bank draft/ Visa / Mastercard / or NETS if in Singapore - $20
Doctoral Programmes
Doctor of Medicine (M.D.)
Doctor of Surgery (D.Surg.)
Doctor of Dental Surgery (D.D.S) These degrees are awarded on the basis of research work.
Doctor of Laws
Doctor of Letters
Doctor of Science These degrees are based on the candidate's publications and evidence of an independent and notable contribution to the advancement of knowledge.
Coursework Programmes
Admission requirements for master's programmes by coursework vary from programme to programme. Generally, the basic requirement is a good Bachelor's degree in the relevant discipline. In some cases, a period of relevant work experience is also required.
Research Programmes
The normal minimum entry qualifications for admission to the master's/doctoral programmes by research are a good relevant bachelor's degree (applicants who are NUS graduates should preferably have bachelor s degree with honours at least at second class level)/master's degree and the ability to pursue research in the candidate's proposed field of advanced study.
Other Doctoral Programmes
For admission as a candidate for the degree of Doctor of Medicine or Doctor of Surgery, a candidate must be a graduate of at least one year's standing in Medicine and Surgery.
For admission as a candidate for the degree of Doctor of Dental Surgery, a candidate must be a graduate of at least three years standing in dental surgery.
For admission as a candidate for the degree of Doctor of Letters, Doctor of Laws or Doctor of Science, a person must be a Doctor of Philosophy of at least five years standing at the date on which he/she registers and must satisfy the University Senate of his/her suitability to register as a candidate for the degree.