NewZealand takes particular care of students' welfare. NZ institutions assist students in finding accommodation whilst studying in NZ .Various types of accommodation are available.
Halls of residence, Student Hostels, dormitories - these are usuallylocated on campus with single or double (shared) rooms. Costs range from NZ$ 500 - 600 ie Rs 10,000 - 12,000 per month including food.
Homestay : -
students will live with a New Zealand family with theirown room. As a family member, the student has every opportunityto experience the New Zealand way of life. Cost for this (including food) also ranges between NZ$ 500-600 ie Rs 10,000 to 12,000.
this is a popular option with Indian students.Most institutions help students find a flat. Students choose theirown flat mates. Costs range from NZ$ 450 - 525 per month ie Rs9000 - 10,500 per month. This includes food + other expenses.