CBSE Important Questions

CBSE Guess > Papers > Important Questions > Class IX > 2009 > Science > Science By : Mr M. p. Keshri


Matter In Our Sourroundings (Solved)

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Q. 1. What is a matter?

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Q. 2. Sodium chloride and sugar have same appearance. Are they same or different?

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Q. 3. All substances around us are alike. How?

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Q. 4. How can we say that air is a matter?

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Q. 5. State the characteristics of matter? 

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 Q. 6. What are the intensive properties of matter?

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Q. 7. What are the extensive properties of matter?

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Q. 8. State the characteristics of particles of matter.

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Q. 9. What is the effect of temperature on a matter?

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Q. 10. The smell of hot sizzling food reaches us several metres away. Why?

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Q. 11. What is diffusion?

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Q. 12. If a bottle of perfume is opened in one corner of a room, it immediately spreads throughout the room. Why?

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Q. 13. Name the three states of matter with examples.

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Q. 14. State the characteristics of solids.

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Q. 15. What are the characteristics of liquids?

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Q. 16. What are the characteristics of gases?

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Q. 17. What are fluids?

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Q. 18. Give one similarity between a liquid and a gas and one dissimilarity.

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Q. 19. Differentiate between solid, liquid and gas.

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Q. 20. What property of gas is utilized when natural gas is supplied for vehicles.

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Q. 21. What are ‘intermolecular forces’? How are these related to the three states of matter ?

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Q. 22. Separate the following substances in groups of high and low intermolecular force:

Ice, sulphur vapour, nitrogen, sugar, copper, air, salt, plastic.

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Q. 23. Which of the following substances you expect strongest and in which weakest intermolecular force:

Water, alcohol, sugar, sodium chloride, carbon dioxide.

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Q. 24. Why are gases compressible but liquids not ?

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Q. 25. How does the state of matter changes from solid to liquid and then to gas on heating ?

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Q. 26. How is pressure developed in a container full of a gas ?

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Q. 27. What are the applications of interconversion of states of matter ?   

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Q.28. What happens to a gas if its intermolecular space is reduced ?

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Q. 29. Which of the following substances is most compressible ?

CO2, H2O, NaCl.

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Q. 30. Which property of a gas results in steady pressure of the gas ?

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Paper By Mr. M. P. Keshari [ For Further Enquiry 09434150289]