CBSE Important Questions

CBSE Guess > Papers > Important Questions > Class IX > 2009 > Science > Science By : Mr M. p. Keshri


Matter In Our Sourroundings (Solved)

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Q. 31. In which of the following substances, weakest intermolecular force is expected :

H2O, CH3OH, Al, He.

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Q. 32. One gas mixes with another gas easily. What is this property called ?

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Q. 33. Describe briefly

(i) Melting point and

(ii) Boiling point.

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Q. 34. How would you find out whether a sample of sodium chloride is pure or impure ?

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Q. 35. How will you find out whether a sample of water is pure or impure ?

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Q. 36. Why do solids have a fixed shape and gases have neither a fixed shape nor a fixed volume ?

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Q. 37. What is Vaporization ?

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Q. 38. What is Sublimation ?

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Q. 39. What is Condensation ?

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Q. 40. What is Deposition ?

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Q. 41. What is Liquefaction ?

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Q. 42. What is Solidification ?

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Q. 43. What is difference between vapour and gas.

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Q. 44. Why do the three states of matter differ ?

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Q. 45. Why does the temperature remain constant until whole of the solid changes into liquid, though the heat energy is constantly supplied ?

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Q. 46. Why does the temperature remain constant during boiling though heat is constantly supplied ?

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Q. 47. Why does a gas fill a vessel completely ?

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Q. 48. Compare the process of boiling and vaporization.

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Q. 49. Explain the term boiling on the basis of kinetic theory of gases.

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Q. 50. Explain the term melting on the basis of kinetic theory.

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Q. 51. Explain how the same substance exists in all the three physical state ?

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Q. 52. How aquatic animals and plants survive under water ?

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Q.53. State the factors affecting evaporation.

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Q. 54. How does evaporation cause cooling ?

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Q. 55. We feel cool when acetone is applied on nails to remove nail polish. Why ?

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Q. 56. After a hot sunny day, people sprinkle water on the roof or open ground. Why ?

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Q. 57. Why should we wear cotton clothes in summer ?

Q. 58. Water droplets on the outer surface of a glass containing ice-cold water is seen. Why ?

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Q. 59. Why does a desert cooler cool better on a hot dry day ?

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Q. 60. Why early scientist believed that all matter is compossed of a few building blocks?

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Paper By Mr. M. P. Keshari [ For Further Enquiry 09434150289]