CBSE Important Questions

CBSE Guess > Papers > Important Questions > Class IX > 2009 > Science > Science By : Mr M. p. Keshri


Is Master Around Us Pure (Solved)

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Q. 1. Write about a chemically pure substance.

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Q. 2. What can you say about chemically purity of the naturally occurring substance ?

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Q. 3. What is the difference in meaning of a pure substance to a common man than to a chemist ?

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Q. 4. Choose the pure substance from the given materials below :

Butter, banana, blood, ghee, glass, ink, water, paper, sugar, orange, wood, marble.

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Q. 5. How the purity of the given substance is tested ?

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Q. 6. Why vegetable or fruit is not called a pure substance ?

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Q. 7. What is a mixture ?

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Q. 8. How a mixture is classified on the basis of their physical properties ?

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Q. 9. State different types of homogeneous and heterogeneous mixture with examples.

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Q. 10. How will you select the compound ( a pure substance ) from given two samples of liquids, one of which is a mixture and the other is a compound ?

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Q. 11. Iron filing and sulphur are mixed and heated. The following observations are done:

(i) No iron gets attracted to a magnet.

(ii) When treated with dilute sulphuric acid, a foul smelling gas is released.
State with reasons whether the resulting substance is a mixture or a compound.

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Q. 12. Give evidence in support of your answer that air is a mixture not a compound.

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Q. 13. Differentiate between pure substance ( compound ) and mixture.

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Q. 14. 0.25 g and 0.50g respectively of potassium permanganate are added into two buckets each containing 5 litres of water. The composition of these two mixtures are different. Can we say that these mixtures are homogeneous ?

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Q. 15.  What is meant by a pure substance ?

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Q. 16. List the points of differences between homogeneous and heterogeneous mixtures.

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Q. 17. How are solution, colloidal solution and suspension different from each other ?

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Q. 18.A sample of mixture is given. How is it tested that whether the sample is a colloidal solution or suspension ?

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Q. 19. Define colloids. Write their characteristics.

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Q. 20. The solubility of a substance is 90.5g/100g in water at 25ºC. A solution of the same is made by taking 1 kg of it in 2 litres of water. What is the nature of the solution ?

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Q. 21. What happens when :

(i) Light is passed through a colloidal solution.

(ii) Electric current is passed through a colloidal solution.

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Q. 22. Some mixtures are given below. Arrange them according to solutions, colloids and suspensions :
  Lime water, milk, mud water, aerated water, writing ink, sand water, sugar in water, blood, common salt in benzene, gold ornaments, jellies, wheat flour in water, vinegar, butter, lemonade, aluminium paint, coke, mist.

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Q. 23. Differentiate between true solution and colloidal solution on the basis of the particle size.

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Q. 24. Rain water deposited in a ditch contains :

Air bubbles, salt, calcium bicarbonate, sand grains, stone pieces and clay.
Write which of them is a solvent, solution, suspension or colloid.

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Q. 25. List the following colloids on the basis of type of dispersing medium by writing the nature of dispersed phase :

Fog, smoke, shaving cream, milk, mud, foam, jelly, coloured gemstone, clouds, automobile exhaust, face cream, milk of magnesia, rubber, chese, milky glass, mist, sponge, butter, pumice, paint, writing ink, blood.


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Q. 26. Write the use of a solution, a colloid and a suspension in our daily life with example.

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Q. 27. Give properties of a solution, a colloid and a suspension.

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Q. 28. A mixture is homogeneous and path of light is not visible through it. What can you say about the nature of the mixture and size of the particles.

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Q. 29. The diameter of particles of a mixture are 40 nm to 50 nm. How can we separate the constituents of the mixture ?

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Q. 30. How can you say that a given heterogeneous mixture is a solution, a colloid or a suspension.

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Paper By Mr. M. P. Keshari [ For Further Enquiry 09434150289]