CBSE Important Questions

CBSE Guess > Papers > Important Questions > Class IX > 2009 > Science > Science By : Mr M. p. Keshri


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Q. 31. Why does a beam of sunlight illuminated when it enters a room through a small hole ?

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Q. 32. State the Tyndall effect. Tyndall effect is observed when sunlight passes through dense forest. Why ?

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Q. 33. To make a saturated solution, 36 g of sodium chloride is dissolved in 100 g of water at 293 K. Find its concentration at this temperature.

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Q.34. A solution contains 40 g of  common salt in 320 g of water. Calculate the concentration in terms of mass by mass percentage of the solution.

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Q. 35. Define :

(i) True solution 

(ii) Solute 

(iii) Solvent 

(iv) Solubility.

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Q. 36. Distinguish between saturated and unsaturated solution.

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Q. 37. How saturated solution of common salt is prepared at 40ºC ? What will happen on cooling the solution ?  

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Q. 38. How will you show that a given solution is saturated or unsaturated at a given temperature ? What happens when a hot saturated solution of a substance is allowed to cool ?

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Q. 39. A ray of light passing through a solution is not visible. Why ?

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Q. 40. What happens when a saturated solution of a substance at a given temperature is allowed to cool ?  

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Q. 41. Why alloy is considered a homogeneous although its constituents can not be separated by physical methods ?

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Q. 42. Why water is called a universal solvent ?

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Q. 43. Why a saturated solution becomes unsaturated on heating ?

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Q. 44. What is difference between aqueous and non-aqueous solutions ?

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Q. 45. How the concentration of a solution is expressed ?

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Q. 46. 25 g of common salt is dissolved in 100 g of water. Calculate the percentage composition of the solution.

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Q. 47. 20 g of sugar is dissolved in 125 ml of water. Calculate the concentration of the solution in terms of mass by volume percentage of solution.

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Q. 48. Define suspension.

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Q.49. Define colloidal solution. Give examples also.

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Q. 50. Define dispersing medium and dispersed phase.  

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Q. 51. What is purpose of separation of components of mixture ?

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Q.52. State the principle of separation of a mixture.

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Q.53. Name the commonly used techniques by farmers to purify food grains in the village.

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Q. 54. State the physical process used in laboratories or industries to separate mixtures.

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Q. 55. Write examples of solutions having a volatile component and non-volatile component.

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Q. 56. How a non-volatile component from a solution is obtained ?

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Q. 57. State the importance of evaporation. Write where this technique is used on a large scale.

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Q.58. What is filtration ? Write the process of filtration.

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Q.59. Define centrifugation. Write its process.

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Q. 60. State some applications of centrifugation.

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Paper By Mr. M. P. Keshari [ For Further Enquiry 09434150289]