CBSE Important Questions

CBSE Guess > Papers > Important Questions > Class IX > 2009 > Social Science > Social Science By : Mr M. p. Keshri


French Revolution (Solved)

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Question .51. The people of France welcome the declaration of war against Prussia and Austria in 1792. Why?

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Question .52. Write the title of the patriotic song and its composer sung by the French revolutionaries.

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Question .53. What is the national anthem of France ?

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Question .54. Write the name of a successful political club.

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Question .55. Who was the leader of the Jacobin Club ?

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Question .56. Who were the members of the Jacobin Club ?

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Question .57. What do you mean by the term republic ?

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Question .58. When did France declared republic ?

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Question .59. On which charge was Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette beheaded?

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Question .60. Which period in French revolutionary history is referred to the ‘Reign of Terror’ ?

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Question .61. List significant laws enacted by Robespierre.

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Question .62. State the most revolutionary social reform of the Jacobin regime.

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Question .63. What do you mean by the term ‘Directory’?

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Question .64. State the significance of the Rule of Directory.

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Question .65. Which means did women use to voice their interest ?

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Question .66. State the name of any one women’s club.

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Question .67. State the primary demand of the Women’s Club.

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Question .68. When did French women get right to vote ?

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Question .69. State four commodities supplied by the French Colonies in the Caribbean.

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Question .70. What do you mean by the triangular trade ?

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Question .71. State two French ports which owed their prosperity to the slave trade.

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Question .72. Why did revolutionary France not prohibit slave trade ?

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Question .73. When did slavery finally abolish in the French Colonies ?

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Question .74. State the name of two Indians who responded to the idea of Revolutionary France.

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Question .75. State the factor contributing to the rise of Napoleon.

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Paper By Mr. M. P. Keshari [ For Further Enquiry 09434150289]