CBSE Important Questions

CBSE Guess > Papers > Important Questions > Class X > 2008 > Science > Science By :- Nagesh Kumar

Science - Our Environment/Management of Natural Resources

  1. What is pollution?
  2. What is afforestation?
  3. Name two sources which are threats to our marine water?
  4. Name the two sources of water pollution?
  5. Give two advantages of using wind energy?
  6. What is soil erosion and its causes?
  7. What are the sources of water pollution?
  8. What do you mean by term N.G.O?
  9. Describe the factors responsible for pollution of river Ganga?
  10. Name the chemical which is responsible for depletion of ozone layer?
  11. What do you mean by the term biota?
  12. What is water harvesting?
  13. What is agriculture?
  14. What do you mean by the term effluents?
  15. What are the ill effects of ozone layer depletion?
  16. What are pesticides and herbicides?
  17. Distinguish between national parks and national sanctuaries.
  18. What are the steps one may take to check soil erosion?
  19. How can we control water pollution?
  20. How is ozone gas useful for our ecosystem
  21. What is water table? State some characteristics of drinking water.
  22. Name the disease caused by the prolonged inhalation of cotton fiber dust.
  23. What do you mean by eutrophication?
  24. What is food chain? What forms the basis of every food chain?
  25. Name a pollutant which enters our body via food chain.
  26. Which chemical compound is responsible for the depletion of ozone layer?
  27. What is acid rain? How has acid rain affected our ecosystem?
  28. Discuss briefly the main causes of soil erosion
  29. Give an example of greenhouse gas.
  30. What is smog?
  31. Give the full form of the following
    1.  IUCN
    2. DDT
  32. The flow of energy in the food chain is unidirectional. Comment.
  33. Name a pollutant which enters our body via food chain.
  34. What do you mean by biological magnification? List the substances that cause Biological Magnification.


  1. Electricity
  2. Light Reflestion and Refraction Human Eye and The Colourful World
  3. Source of Energy
  4. Our Environment/Management of Natural Resources
  5. Life Processes
  6. Control and Coordination
  7. Reproduction
  8. Heredity and Variation
  9. Chemical Reactions
  10. Acid Bases and Salts
  11. Metals and Non-Metals
  12. Carbon and its Compounds
  13. Periodic Classification of Elements