CBSE Important Questions

CBSE Guess > Papers > Important Questions > Class XII > 2007 > Chemistry > Nuclear Chemistry

Nuclear Chemistry

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  1. Give are example each of (i) a-emission (ii) b -emission (iii) k-capture. Write the equation for these nuclear changes.
  2. What is Group Displacement Law? An element belonging to group 1 decays by b-emission. To which group of the periodic table the daughter element will belongs.
  3. How many a and b particles will be emitted when 232/90 Th Changes into 208/82 Pb.
  4. Write the nuclear reactions for the following radioactive decay.
    a) 238/92U Undergoes a - decay
    b) 234/91Pa Undergoes b - decay
    c) 22/11Na Undergoes b + decay
  5. What is meant by nuclear binding energy calculate binding energy per nucleon of Li isotope, which has isotopic mass of 7.016 mu . The individual masses neutron and proton are 1.008665mu and 1.007277mu respectively and mass of electron is 0.000548mu.
  6. A sample of wood from an archeological source shows a 14C activity which is 60% of the activity found in fresh wood today. Calculate the age of archeological sample
    (t1/2 of 14c =5770 years)
  7. Explain the principle of (a) activation analysis and (b) Breeder reactor
  8. Complete the following nuclear reaction
    a. 96/42Mo ( _______n) 97/43 Tc
    b. _______ (a, 2n ) 211/85 At
    c. 55/25Mn (n,c) ______
    d. 246/96Cm + 12/6 C --> ________ + 4 1/0 n
    e. 27/13Al (a, n) _______
    f. 238/92U (a, b-)________
  9. Complete the equations for the following nuclear processes
    a. 3517Cl + 1/0n --> ________+ 4/2 He
    b. 235/92 U + 1/0 n --> _______+ 137/54 Xe + 2 1/0 n
    c. 27/13 Al + 4/2 He --> _______ + 1/0 n
    d. _______ (n, p) 35/16 S
    e. 239/94 Pu (a, b- ) _______
  10. Describe the principle of an atom bomb. What is meant by critical mass? What is the critical mass of 235/92U?
  1. Atomic Structure and Chemical Bonding
  2. Solid States
  3. Solutions
  4. Thermodoynamics
  5. Chemical Kinetics
  6. Nuclear Chemistry
  7. Polymers
  8. Biomolecules
  9. Chemistry In Every Day Life


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