CBSE Guess > Papers > Important Questions > Class XII > 2007 > Geography > Geography By Mr. Suryaveer Singh
India - People and Economy

Population: Distribution and Growth
Population Composition
Social and Cultural Attributes of Population
Human Development 5 Marks, 1 Question
Long Answer Question of 5 Marks each
- What is meant by growth rate? Explain the regional variations in the population growth rate at state levels and rural-urban levels in India. Give four suitable examples.
- Describe the uneven distribution of population in the country by giving five examples from different parts of India.
- Explain five reasons for the uneven density of population in the country by giving suitable examples from the different parts of India.
- Define the term migration. Explain four causes of migration in India with suitable examples.
- What are the three age groups of population on the basis of age in India? Define the term dependency ratio. “Dependency ratio is higher in rural than in urban areas”. Support this statement by explaining three factors responsible for it.
- Define the term sex ratio. Describe the variations in the sex ratio among the states of India with suitable examples.
- What are the three broad groups of population on the basis of their productive work? Describe the variations in participation rates among the states of India.
- Define the term participation rate. Explain four reasons for low participation rate of females in India.
- Describe any three characteristics of distribution of Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe population in India. State two main characteristics of their literacy and occupation.
- Describe four language families to which Indian languages belong.
- Why human development is necessary? Give five reasons.
- Define the term human development. Explain the three sets of indicators which have been used for preparing the Human Development Index in India. Also mention other variables which are added to the above sets of indicators.
- Explain the inter-state disparities in the level of human development by giving four examples.
Rural Settlements
Urban Settlements 4 Marks, 1 Question
Short Answer Question of 4 Marks each
- Explain four factors which affect the types of rural settlements in India. Give suitable examples from different parts of India.
- Explain the four factors which decide the size and spacing of villages in India.
- Explain the four differences in the rural settlements and urban settlements in India. (OR) “There is striking variations in spacing of the villages in India”. Support the statement with four suitable examples.
- Explain four types of rural settlements found in India. State four characteristics of each.
- Explain any four types of rural settlement patterns found in India.
- Explain any four main features of rural house types in India.
- What are statutory towns? State three criteria used to designate a settlement as Census town.
- Explain the three classifications of Indian towns according to urban historians. State one characteristics and an example of each category.
- Explain four types of towns and cities based on functions by giving specific examples from India.
- Explain four main features of Indian cities.
Natural Resources: Theoretical Background
Water Resources
Mineral and Power resources
Manufacturing industries
Development Planning 12 Marks, 4 Questions
Very Short Answer & Short Answer question of 3 & 4 Marks
- Explain three components of systematic planning needed for the resource development in India.
- Explain the three main constraints in the resource development.
- Name six classifications of resources as suggested by Renner on the basis of conservational strategy.
- Classify resources into two groups on the basis of durability (ability to renew or reproduce) and give two examples of each.
- Classify resources into three groups on the basis of contents and give one example of each.
- Why is irrigation necessary in India? Explain any three reasons in this regard.
- State three major sources of irrigation in India. Describe two features of distribution of each source of irrigation.
- Why is conservation of water resource necessary in India? Explain three reasons in this regard.
- Explain three methods of conservation of water resource in India.
- What is rain water harvesting? State its four objectives.
- Define the term watershed? State two importance of watershed development approach in India.
- Define the term intensity of cropping. Explain three reasons with suitable examples for the variations in the cropping intensity in India.
- Distinguish between Dry land farming and wet land farming by giving four points.
- Mention any four problems faced by dry land farmers in India.
- Describe three achievements of green revolution in India.
- Explain any three factors of low agricultural productivity in India.
- Describe any three steps which India has to take in the agriculture sector in order to stand in the global competition.
- Name the minerals in which India has rich reserves. Name the minerals in which India has deficient reserves.
- Describe the two features of the three major mineral belts demarcated within the peninsular plateaus of India.
- Describe the four regions of mineral oil distribution in India.
- Explain the physical and economic factors on which the potential of hydropower depends in India.
- State three differences between the northern rivers and peninsular rivers in respect to the hydropower generating potential.
- Describe three types of regions identified on the basis of sources of electricity in India.
- Explain any three main thrust areas in power sector that have been identified in India.
- Why iron and steel industry is confined to peninsular India? Explain three reasons responsible for it.
- Why cotton textile industry distributed in all major states in India? Explain three reasons for it.
- Explain three major reasons for the dispersal of cotton textile industries in India.
- Explain three reasons for the location of sugar mills near the sugarcane producing regions in India.
- Explain three reasons for the emergence of Maharashtra as the leading sugar producer in the country.
- Describe any three major objectives of new Industrial Policy of 1991.
- Explain three objectives of the 10th five year plan of India which are related to human development.
- Explain any three development strategy adopted for the tenth five year plan of India.
- Explain any three achievements of five year plans of India.
- Describe the regional disparity in the level of development within the country by giving any three suitable examples from India.
- How can integrated area approach and local planning reduce the regional disparities in India? Explain with three suitable examples.
- How can spatial integration in sectoral plans reduce the regional disparities in India? Explain with three suitable examples.
- Define the concept of sustainable development. Explain any two need for sustainable development in India.
Transport and Communication Network
International Trade 7 Marks, 2 Questions
Very Short Answer & Short Answer question of 3 & 4 Marks
- Distinguish between personal communication and mass communication by giving three differences.
- Explain the importance of radio and television in mass communication in India.
- Explain any three advantages of pipelines over other modes of transport in India.
- Explain the importance of air transport for India.
- Why are inland waterways in India not well developed? Explain three reasons. (OR) State three problems of inland waterways in India.
- Name three national waterways of India.
- Explain how the density and direction of the railway network of India is influenced by the physical character of land and density of population. (OR) Why rail transport uneven in India? Explain three reasons for it.
- Describe six classes of roads classified according to their importance in India.
- Why is road transport more important than rail transport in India? Explain three reasons.
- Why the gap between import and export values has widened in India. (OR) Explain any four reasons of slow growth in India’s export trade.
- Name three major trading partners of the country with which India has largest trading relations. Name the country which is the largest trading partner of India.
- State three importance of sea ports in the foreign trade in India.
- Describe Mumbai, Kolkata, Haldia, Kandla sea ports of India.
Poverty and Environmental Degradation 4 Marks, 1 Question
Short Answer Question of 4 Marks each
- Name any four states which recorded significant reduction in proportion of poor in India. Explain one reason for the reduction of poverty for each state.
- What is human poverty? Describe three aspects of human poverty which are used for the construction of human poverty index.
- Define the concept of pollution. Explain three criteria which are used for identifying pollution.
- “The urban air quality in India is deteriorating”. Explain any four factors responsible for it. (OR) Describe any four sources of air pollution in India.
- Explain any four urban sources of water pollution in India. Give suitable examples from India.
- Explain any four causes of deterioration in the quality of soil in India.
- Describe any four environmental problems of cities in India.
- Describe any four problems of urban waste disposal with reference to Indian cities.
Map work for locating and labeling of 3 Marks 3 items 3 Marks
- Density of population - Highest- West Bengal & Lowest- Sikkim
- Growth rate - Highest-Nagaland & Lowest-Kerala
- Rural population - Highest - Arunachal Pradesh & Lowest - Goa
- Urban population - Highest - Goa & Lowest - Arunachal Pradesh
- Urbanised state - Most - Goa & Least - Uttar Pradesh
- SC - Highest - Punjab / ST - Highest-Mizoram
- Metropolitan city - Kerala-Kochi, Karnataka-Bangalore, Bihar-Patna, Haryana-Faridabad.
- Irrigation - Canals-Jammu & Kashmir, Well-Gujarat, Tanks-Tamil Nadu.
- Crops - Wheat-Uttar Pradesh, Rice-West Bengal, Tea-Assam, Coffee-Karnataka, Rubber-Kerala, Sugarcane-Uttar Pradesh, Cotton-Maharashtra, Jute-West Bengal.
- Minerals - Oil-Mumbai High, Oldest oil field- Digboi.
- Biggest oil refinery-Jamnagar, Joint sector oil refinery-Mangalore.
- Nuclear power stations in - Uttar Pradesh-Narora, Rajasthan-Rawat Bhata, Gujarat-Kakrapara, Maharashtra-Tarapur, Karnataka-Kaiga, Tamil Nadu-Kalpakkam.
- Iron and steel plant - Tamil Nadu-Salem, Andhra Pradesh-Vishakhapatnam (on shore). Chhattisgarh-Bhilai, Orissa-Raurkela.
- Terminal station of North-South corridor - Northern-Srinagar, Southern-Kanyakumari.
- Terminal station of East west corridor - Eastern-Silchar, Western-Porbandar.
- Biggest sea port - Mumbai, First sea port – Kandla, Riverine sea port-Kolkata, Deepest land-locked sea port - Vishakahapatnam, Oldest sea port - Chennai, New sea port - Ennore & Jawaharlal Nehru.
- Airports – Easternmost-Guwahati, Northernmost-Amritsar, Southernmost-Thiruvananthapuram.
