Important Questions

CBSE Guess > Papers > Important Questions > Class XII > 2010 > Economics > Economics By Sujjoy Basu


Q. 1. Define Total Utility, Marginal Utility.

Q. 2. What is Budget line? Explain why the Budget line is downward sloping?

Q. 3. What do you mean by ‘monotonic preferences’?

Q. 4. What is law of diminishing marginal utility?

Q. 5. Show the consumer equilibrium with the help of Marshallian Cardinal theory.

Q. 6. What is Indifference Curve? What is Indifference Map?

Q. 7. What are the properties of Indifference Curve?

Q. 8. How does the budget line change if the consumer’s income changes?

Q. 9. How does the budget line change if the prices of the products change?

Q. 10. Show the consumer equilibrium with the help of Indifference Curve.

Q. 11. Math on change in Budget line. (3,4) (Reference – NCERT Page No.34)

Q. 12. What is Marginal Rate of Substitution?

Q. 13. What is the difference between desire and demand?

Q. 14. What are the factors affecting demand?

Q. 15. What is law of demand?

Q. 16. What is Substitute Commodity? How does change in the price of substitute commodity effect the demand of a commodity? Explain with the diagram.

Q. 17. What is Complementary Commodity? How does change in the price of complementary commodity effect the demand of a commodity? Explain with the diagram.

Q. 18. Distinguish between ‘change in demand’ and ‘change in quantity demand’ with the help of diagram.
Distinguish between ‘expansion of demand’ and ‘increase in demand’ with the help of diagram.
Distinguish between ‘contraction of demand’ and ‘decrease in demand’ with the help of diagram.

Q. 19. Why does demand curve slope downwards? OR, Why does law of demand hold?

Q. 20. Define normal commodity?

Q. 21. Define inferior commodity? How does change in income effect the demand of inferior commodity?

Paper By Mr. Sujjoy Basu
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