Important Questions

CBSE Guess > Papers > Important Questions > Class XII > 2010 > Economics > Economics By Sujjoy Basu


Q. 22. How does the market demand curve derived from individual demand curves?

Q. 23. What is Giffen commodity?

Q. 24. Let two demand functions be

d₁(P)=40-P for P≤40 and d₁(P)=0 for P>40

d₂(P)=10-2P for P≤5 and d₂(P)=0 for P>5
Find out the market demand function.

Q. 25. Suppose there are three consumers in a particular market-X,Y,Z .Derive the market demand schedule.

Price Demand of X Demand of Y Demand of Z
1 60 55 24
2 50 40 13
3 40 50 5
4 30 10 0

Q. 26. Define the price elasticity of demand.

Q. 27. Draw the i) perfectly elastic, ii) perfect inelastic and iii) unit elastic demand curves .

Q. 28. Explain total expenditure method of measuring price elasticity of demand with the help of table .

Q. 29. What is the difference between luxury and necessary commodities.

Q. 30. Explain with the help of a diagram, the geometric method of measuring price elasticity of demand.

Q. 31. What are the factors affecting elasticity of demand?

Q. 32. Total expenditure on a good increases with the fall in its price. State if the demand for the good is elastic or inelastic.


Total expenditure on a good increases with the increase in its price. State if the demand for the good is elastic or inelastic.

Q. 33. Math on Elasticity of demand. (Reference- Any Book)

Paper By Mr. Sujjoy Basu
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