Important Questions

CBSE Guess > Papers > Important Questions > Class XII > 2010 > Economics > Economics By Sujjoy Basu


Q. 1. What is production function?

Q. 2. Define- Total Product, Average Product, Marginal Product.

Q. 3. What is the difference between Short Run and Long Run?

Q. 4. What is the law of diminishing marginal productivity?

Q. 5. What is the law of variable proportions?

Q. 6. Explain the three stages of production with the help of TP,AP & MP.

Q. 7. What is the relationship between MP and AP?

Q. 8. What is Returns to Scale?

Q. 9. Define- IRS,DRS,CRS.

Q. 10. What is the difference between Law of Variable Proportion and Returns to Scale?

Q. 11. Math on TP,AP,MP. (Reference- Any Book)

Q. 12. What is cost function?

Q. 13. Define and Draw the curve:- TC,TVC,TFC,AVC,AFC,MC.

Q. 14. Why AC is ‘U’ shaped? OR, Why minimum point of AC situated to the right of minimum point of AVC?

Q. 15. Why MC is ‘U’ shaped?

Q. 16. What are the shape of LAC and LMC?

Q. 17. What is the relationship between AC and MC?

Q. 18. Math on TC,TVC,TFC,AVC,AFC,MC. (Reference- Any Book)

Q. 19. What is the difference between supply and stock?

Q. 20. What is supply function?

Q. 21. What is law of supply?

Q. 22. Distinguish between ‘change in supply’ and ‘change in quantity supply’ with the help of diagram.


Distinguish between ‘expansion of supply’ and ‘increase in supply’ with the help of diagram.


Distinguish between ‘contraction of supply’ and ‘decrease in supply’ with the help of diagram.

Paper By Mr. Sujjoy Basu
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