Important Questions

CBSE Guess > Papers > Important Questions > Class XII > 2010 > Economics > Economics By Sujjoy Basu


Q. 23. What are the factors affecting supply?

Q. 24. How does the market supply curve derived from individual supply curves?

Q. 25. Suppose there are three firms in a particular market-X,Y,Z .Derive the market supply schedule.

Price Supply of X Supply of Y Supply of Z
1 5 15 24
2 10 32 30
3 20 40 40
4 30 45 50

Q. 26. Let two supply functions be
S₁(P)=P-2 for P≥30 and S₁(P)=0 for P<30
S₂(P)=P+4for P≥35and S₂(P)=0 for P<35
Find out the market demand function.

Q. 27. What is elasticity of supply?

Q. 28. What are the factors affecting elasticity of supply?

Q. 29. Draw the i) perfectly elastic, ii) perfect inelastic and iii) unit elastic supply curves.

Q. 30. Define –TR,AR,MR.

Q. 31. Math on TR,AR,MR. (Reference- Any Book)

Q. 32. Math on Profit(TR-TC) maximization. (Reference- Any Book)

Q. 33. Math on Elasticity of Supply. (Reference- Any Book)

Q. 34. What is producer equilibrium under perfect condition?

Q. 35. What is the shape of TR and AR in Perfect competition?

Q. 36. Let the production function of a firm be Q=5√L√K,Find out the maximum possible output that the firm can produce with 100 units of L and 400 unit of K.

Paper By Mr. Sujjoy Basu
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