CBSE Important Questions

CBSE Guess > Papers > Important Questions > Class XII > 2011 > Maths > Maths By Mrs. E.Praveen


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Vectors-3D-Lines (4-Marks )

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  1. If .

  1. Show that the points A, B, C with position vectors respectively are collinear

  1. If the sum of two unit vectors is a unit vector, Prove that the magnitude of their difference is .

  1. Show that the points A, B and C with position vectors, respectively, form the vertices of a right angled triangle.

  1. If a unit vector makes angles and then find θ and hence the components of .

  1. Let , and be three vectors such that and each one of them being perpendicular to the sum of other two, Find

  1. Find the area of the parallelogram whose adjacent sides are determined by the vectors

  1. The scalar product of the vector with a unit vector along the sum of vectors Find the value of λ.
  1. If is any vector in space show tha

  1. If vectors , and are such | a + b + c | =0, and | a | = 6, | b | = 8 and | c | = 10. Find (a.b+b.c+c.a)

  1. Find the vector of magnitude 5 units which is perpendicular to both the vectors

  1. Find the values of .

  1. Show that area of parallelogram having diagonals (3i + j – 2k) and (i – 3j + 4k) is 5 √3 sq unit.

  1. Find the shortest distance between the lines, whose equations are

  1. Find shortest distance between the lines r = i + j +λ (2i – j + k), r = 2i + j – k + μ (3i – 5j + 2k)

  1. If are unit vectors such that then find the value of .

  1. By computing the shortest distance, determine whether the following pair of lines intersect or not:

  1. d1 and d2 are the diagonals of a parallelogram with sides a and b.Express a and b in terms of d1 and d2 and find the area of the parallelogram ;d1 = i + 2 j + 3 k ;d2 = 3 i - 2 j + k


  1. Find the shortest distance between the following pairs of line r = (1 – t ) i + ( t – 2 ) j + ( 3 + 2t ) k and r = ( s + 1) i + ( 2s – 1) j + ( 2s + 1 ) k.
  2. Find the equations of the line through the intersection of the lines and and parallel to the line

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Submitted By Mrs. E.Praveen
Email Id : [email protected]