CBSE Important Questions

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Vectors-3D-Lines (4-Marks)

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  1. If A,B,C,D are four points in space prove that │AB x CD + BC x AD + CA x BD│ = 4 (Area ΔABC)

  1. If and , and find angle between find the angle between

  1. For vectors and prove that :

  1. If with reference to a right handed system of mutually perpendicular unit vectors , we have and Express in the form where ,is parallel to is perpendicular to

  1. Find the point on line at a distance 3√2 from the point ( 1, 2, 3)

  1. Dot product of vector with vectors are respectively -1,6 & 5 find the vector.

  1. Find image of the point (1,0,2) in the line passing through (2,1,3) and perpendicular to the lines

  1. Find the value of k so that the lines and are at right angle.

  1. . If are any two non zero vectors.then prove that

  1. If

  1. If Find a vector which is perpendicular to

  1. Find the unit vector perpendicular to the plane ABC, where the position vectors of A, B & C are 2i – j + k, 3 i + j + 2 k & - 2 j + 3 k respectively.

  1. Dot product of a vector with the vector i + j - 3 k , i + 3 k - 2 k and 2 i + j + 4 k are 0, 5 and 8 respectively.find vector.

  1. find the shortest distance between the lines =(1 - t ) i + (t - 2) j + ( 3 - 2 t ) k and r = ( s + 1 ) i +( 2 s - 1 ) j -( 2 s + 1) k

  1. find the equation of the line passing through the point(1,2,3) and parpendicular to lines and

  1. The scalar product of the vector i + j + k with a unit vector along the sum of vectors 2i + 2j – 5k and λ i + 2j + 3k is equal to one. Find the value of λ .

  1. If a x b = c xd =, a x c = b xd, show that (a – d) is parallel to (b – c).
  2. Find the foot of perpendicular from P(1, 2, 3) on the line Also find the equation of the plane containing the line and the point (1, 2, 3).

  1. Determine whether or not the following pair of lines intersect. If these intersect, then find the point of intersection, otherwise obtain the shortest distance between them: r = i + j – k + λ (3 i – j ) and r = 4 i – k + µ ( 2 i + 3 k )
  1. Find the foot of perpendicular from the point (0, 2, 7) on the line


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Submitted By Mrs. E.Praveen
Email Id : [email protected]