English Communicative 2008

Ans. 21, Mansarovar Colony
The Editor
The Times of India
New Delhi
17th January, 20xx

Subject : Need for ‘Preservation of Historical Monuments’


Through the medium of this letter I would like to express my concern over the manner in which we are grossly neglecting our invaluable historical monuments.
These historical monuments which are a unique reflection of our rich cultural heritage should be valued as priceless treasure. But we are neglecting them and these ancient monuments are losing their shape. They are getting dilapidated, their walls are crumbling, the roofs are getting cracked and the bricks and stone pieces are losing plaster. These historical monuments are being callously disfigured by visitors. It is heart rending to see how unfeelingly people damage them whereas these monuments should be preserved as a legacy for the coming generations. It is high time we changed our callous attitude towards our ancient monuments and got together to safeguard and preserve them.
I hope through your esteemed newspaper I am able to make people aware of the need to value these priceless historical monuments.
Yours Sincerely Rahul

Q. 6. Rahul/Rita came across the picture given below in a newspaper. It shows workers removing a large quantity of dead fish from a river. He/She was moved and decided to write an article for his/her school magazine on ‘Environmental Degradation’. Write the article in about 200 words using your own ideas and the ideas from the unit on “Environment”. Also give suggestions on how water pollution can be curbed. (10 marks)


(For Blind Candidates only )

A large quantity of dead fish is taken out of the rivers every year. It is a reflection on the state of water pollution. You are Rahul/Rita. Write an article for your school magazine on “Environmental Degradation”. Give suggestions to curb water pollution. Write the article in 200 words.

English Communicative 2008 Question Papers Class X
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