English Communicative 2008

Rivers start as mountain streams which have their source in (a) .............. or rivulets caused by falling rain. When they flow downhill (b) .............. known as tributaries. The area covered by the river and its tributaries is called (c) .............. . Waterfalls (d) .............. when the rivers encounter hard rocks. Flooding occurs when the rivers swell (e) ............... of the year.

Ans. (a) underground springs, melting glaciers (b) they join other streams and rivers
(c) a river basin. (d) are created (e) at a particular time,

Q. 8. In the passage given below, one word has been omitted in each line. Write the missing word along with the word that comes before and the word that comes after it in your answer sheet against the correct blank numbers. Ensure that the word that forms your answer is underlined. ( 8×1/2 = 4 marks)

Chocolates lift up your mood. e.g.
Chocolates can lift When you eat chocolate, a (a) ................
chemical called serotonin released (b) ................
in brain making you feel good. (c) ................
According research, chocolates may (d) ................
also effective in relieving persistent (e) ................
cough because soothe the throat. (f) ................
Chocolates, however, damage the teeth (g) ................
because of sugar content. (h) ................

Ans. (a) eat a chocolate (b) serotonin is released (c) in the brain (d) According to research (e) also be effective (f) because they soothe (g) chocolates, can however (h) of their sugar

Q. 9. Fill in the blanks using one word in each blank. The first one is done as an example. Write your answers in the answer sheet against the correct blank numbers. (8×1/2 = 4 marks)
The skin is the largest organ in the human body. It is a natural all-weather waterproof covering (a) .............. protects the body. It is sensitive enough (b) .............. feel a pinprick and tough enough to tolerate extremes (c) ............... heat (d) .............. cold. The skin prevents bacteria (e) .............. harmful chemicals from entering (f) .............. body. It also helps the body (g) .............. excreting waste materials (h) .............. urea, salt and water through sweat.

Ans. (a) that (b) to (c) of (d) and (e) and (f) the (g) in (h) like.

Q. 10. Given below is a conversation between a student who wants to borrow books from a library and a librarian. Complete the dialogue in a suitable way. Write the correct answers in your answer sheet against the correct blank numbers. Do not copy the whole sentence. (4 × 1 = 4 marks)
Student : Good evening. Could you give me some information?
Librarian : Yes, with pleasure. (a) ......................?
Student : I want to apply for a library ticket.
Librarian : (b) ......................
Student : Here is my filled in application form, sir.
Librarian : (c) .......................?
Student : No sir, I left my ID card at home.
Librarian : Your ID card is essential to register your name so (d) .......................
Student : OK sir, I will come again next Friday with my ID card.

Ans. (a) How can I help you?
(b) You will have to fill up an application form.
(c) Do you have your ID card?
(d) please bring your ID card.

English Communicative 2008 Question Papers Class X
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