English Communicative 2008

Q. 11. Rearrange the following words or phrases to form meaningful sentences. The first one has been done for you as an example. (3 × 1 = 3 marks)
Example : natural product / coconut husk / the / taken out / coir / from / is a Coir is a natural product taken out from the coconut husk.
(a) is / and / resistant / to / coir fibre / water / mild dew
(b) by / are / floor coverings / craftsmen / made / coir
(c) is/ by / coir yarn / the fibre / twisting / made

Ans. (a) Coir fibre is resistant to water and mild dew.
(b) Coir floor coverings are made by craftsmen.
(c) Coir yarn is made by twisting the fibre.


Q. 12. Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow. Write each answer in your answer sheet in one or two sentences only. (4 marks)
Day after day, day after day,
We stuck, nor breath nor motion;
As idle as a painted ship
Upon a painted ocean.
(a) Which figure of speech is used in the first line? (1)
(b) Where were the mariner and the sailors stuck? Why? (2)
(c) Explain—“As idle as a painted ship.” (1)

Ans. (a) The poet uses the repetitive speech to describe each passing day.
(b) The mariner and the sailors were stuck in the middle of the ocean because the sea had become motionless and their ship was not moving.
(c) The ship was as static as a painting of a ship on a painted ocean. It conveys the absolutely still and motionless state of the ship.

Q. 13. Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow. Write each answer in your answer sheet in one or two sentences only. (4 marks)
A woman bends over me. Searching my reaches for what she really is. Then she turns to those liars, the candles or the moon. I see her back, and reflect it faithfully. (a) What is the woman bending over? (1) (b) What is she searching for? (1) (c) Why have the candles and the moon been called liars? (2)

Ans. (a) The woman is bending over the river water.
(b) She is searching for her lost youth.
(c) The candles and the moon have been called liars because in their dim light the woman’s real looks get concealed and she cannot see the signs of old age on her face.

Q. 14. In the poem, ‘Ode to the West Wind’ what effect does the West Wind have on land? Write your answer in 75-100 words. (5 marks)

Ans. In this poem the West Wind creates a lot of havoc on land. The dead leaves on the land are totally shaken by the violent blow of the West Wind. The West Wind goes everywhere in all directions. It destroys and uproots the plants. It carries the seeds to their dark wintry bed, which is barely a few inches below the earth. The West Wind blows over the hills and plains bestowing them with living smell and colours. Dead leaves are compared to ghosts which are fleeing from a magician, namely the West Wind.

Q. 15. Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow in one or two lines. (5 marks) Another idol has displaced me, a golden one. You hold money more important than me — or anything else, for that matter. And I’m going to grant your wish: free you from marrying me.
(a) Who is ‘me’ referred to in the passage? (1)
(b) What light does the passage throw on Scrooge? (2)
(c) Give two examples to show that Scrooge underwent total transformation in the end. (2)

Ans. See Q. 15, 2000(I Delhi).

Q. 16. Identify two qualities of the Grandmother in “The Ultimate Safari” which helped her and her family to survive the hostile conditions they faced before, during and after their journey through the Kruger Park. Give evidence in support of your answer. Write your answer in 50—75 words. (4 marks)

Ans. See Q. 16, 2002(II Delhi).

Q. 17. Christopher grows up and recollects his experiences with Cutie Pie. He writes them in his diary. Write the diary entry in 150–175 words. (8 marks)

Ans. See Q. 17, Sample Paper I.

English Communicative 2008 Question Papers Class X
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