English (Language and Literature) – 2008 Comptt.


The Editor
The Times
17th January, 20xx
I am writing this letter to you to express my concern at the children’s growing addiction to T.V, pop music and cheap advertisements.
This addiction is making children lose interest in games and studies and also having an adverse effect on their young and vulnerable minds. They are unable to concentrate on anything constructive. It is now the duty of the parents to resolve this issue which has already assumed alarming proportions. They need to regulate and organise their children’s daily routine in such a way that each task is allotted a time period. Unless parents adopt a stringent attitude to resolve this problem, there can be no other concrete solution to this. We have to view this problem on a serious note and solve it on a priority basis if we do not want to ruin our children’s future. I hope you will publish my letter in your esteemed newspaper so that this problem receives the attention of the public.
Yours Sincerely
A-3/110 Swastic Enclave

SECTION C—Grammar (15)

Q.6. Read the following passage and fi ll in the blanks with the correct form of the words given in brackets. Correctly number and write the answer in your answer sheet. 8X1/2=4

Snake pits are a network of caves (a) _________ (form) by underground water. They serve as perfect (b) _________ (locate) for the snakes (c) _________ (spend) the winter. In cold countries, these pits (d) _________ (protection) them from very cold temperature which (e) _________ (dip) as low as minus 40 degrees Celsius during the winter. Snakes (f) _________ (be) able to protect themselves from the heat of the summer by (g) _________ (stay) in pits. Most snakes (h) _________ (not make) their own burrows, but inhabit the burrows made by other creatures.

Ans. (a) formed (b) location (c) to spend (d) protect (e) dips (f) are (g) staying (h) do not make.

Q.7. Look at the words and phrases given below. Rearrange them to form meaningful sentences. The fi rst one has been done as an example. Write the correct sentences in your answer sheet. Remember to number the answers correctly. 3 x1=3

Example: sky / the / numberless / are / there / stars / in There are numberless stars in the sky.

(a) twinkle/ the / sky / stars / the / in / at night
(b) of the / universe / the size / reveals / the vast sky
(c) twinkling / distance / the stars / of / the / indicates

Ans. (a) The stars twinkle at night in the sky.
(b) The vast sky reveals the size of the universe.
(c) Twinkling of the stars indicates the distance.

English Language and Literature 2008 Question Papers Class X