English (Language and Literature) – 2008 Comptt.

Q.16. Answer the following question in about 100 words: 8
Describe Bholi’s fi rst day experience at school. Did she enjoy it? Give a reasoned answer.


Who tried to invade the earth in the twenty fi rst century and what saved it?

Ans. When her father left her at the school, Bholi looked around with fear-laden eyes. She did not even know what exactly a school was like and what happened there. She was absolutely confused and perplexed. She could not understand what the teacher was telling the girls in the class. She just gazed at the pictures on the wall. Their colours fascinated her. Suddenly she noticed the teacher was standing besides her wanting to know her name. Unable to even tell her name, Bholi started crying and kept her head down, sitting in a corner, not daring to look up at the girls who she knew were laughing at her. So, she did not really enjoy her fi rst day at school till she came in contact with the teacher who changed the course of her life.


The creatures from Mars tried to invade earth in the twenty-fi rst century. A book saved the earth from being invaded. The Martians could not understand and fi gure out the true utility value and function of books. When they decided to decipher what was written in these books they were shocked. They took the nursery rhymes written in these books a little too seriously. They thought that the earthlings had reached a high level of civilization and after reading the nursery rhyme ‘Humpty Dumpty..... had a great fall,’ the Martian leader think-tank decided to run for his life as he thought’ Humpty Dumpty’ referred to his own self.

Q.17. Answer the following question in 30-40 words: 4

Why did Fowler want to meet Ausable and why was he disillusioned?


How, according to Hari Singh, would the greedy man, the rich man and the poor man react when they had lost their goods?

Ans. See Q.18, 2000 (I Outside Delhi).


According to Hari Singh on losing their goods—a greedy man’s face would show fear, the rich man’s face would show anger and the poor man’s face would show acceptance.

Q.18. Answer the following question in 20-30 words: 3
What did Mrs. Pumphrey do to bring Tricki back to normal health when he showed less enthusiasm for exertion?


Loisel was a simple man and loved his wife. Give two examples from the text in support of this statement.?

Ans. Mrs. Pumphrey thought that Tricki was suffering from malnutrition. So to bring him back to normal health she gave him extra food between meals to build him up.


Loisel was indeed a simple man who loved his wife. He specially brought in the dinner invitation of the Minister’s house to make her happy. He even gave her the four hundred francs, that he had saved to buy a gun, so she could buy a suitable dress for the party.

English Language and Literature 2008 Question Papers Class X