English (Language and Literature) – 2008 Comptt.

Ans. (a) See Q.14 (b) (i), Sample Paper II. [Page xxii
(b) See Q.14 (b) (ii), Sample Paper II. [Page xxii
(c) The poet compares their boughs to newly discharged patients who move in a half-dazed state out of the clinic doors.

Q.15. Answer any two of the following questions in 30-40 words each on the basis of the lines given below: 6
(a) “On pads of velvet quiet,
In his quiet rage.” Why does the tiger express his anger quietly? 3
(b) “They do not lie awake in the dark and weep for their sins.”
Who are ‘they’? What are the things they don’t do? 3
(c) “…‘no sun bury its feet in shadow’…”
What picture do these words form in your mind? 3

Ans. (a) Since the tiger is in the confi nes of his cage, he feels subdued and restricted, so he expresses his anger quietly inside his caged prison.
(b) See Q.15 (b), 2008 (Comptt. I Delhi). [Page 232
(c) The sun’s feet refer to the sunlight which is not able to penetrate through the thick cluster of trees. These words create a dark and gloomy picture in the mind.

Q.16. Answer the following question in about 100 words: 8
What was Mr. Herriot’s strict advice? Did Mrs. Pumphrey pay heed to his advice? What excuses did she make?


Why was Sulekha called Bholi? For what reasons was she sent to school?

Ans. See Q.16, 2005 (II Delhi). [Page 142


When Sulekha was ten months old, she had fallen off the cot on her head and this fall had perhaps damaged some part of her brain. After this she remained a backward child and came to be called Bholi, ‘the simpleton’. Bholi was sent to school because her father, Ramlal did not have the courage to disobey the Tehsildar who had come to perform the opening ceremony of the school and had told Ramlal to send his daughters to school to set an example to the villagers. So Bholi was sent to school as her mother thought that as it is there was little chance of her getting married with her disabilities, so it was better to let the teachers at school worry about her.

Q.17. Answer the following question in 30–40 words: 4
Why did Horace Danby feel sure of his success in that year’s robbery? Give reasons.


Was there any balcony outside the window? What roles does it play in the story, ‘The Midnight Visitor’?

Ans. Horace Danby felt sure of his success in that year’s robbery because he had been studying the house at Shotover Grange for two weeks. The two servants, who remained in the Grange, while the family was in London, had gone to the movies. Seeing them go Horace felt happy.


There was no balcony outside the window. This non-existent balcony plays a very important role in the story. It is to this balcony that Max, the spy jumps to save himself from being caught and meets his end.

Q.18. Answer the following question in 20–30 words: 3
What are the most important ingredients in the making of a scientist, according to Robert W. Peterson?


What happened at the ball? Was Matilda’s dream fulfi lled?

Ans. See Q.18 (Or), 2006 (I Delhi). [Page 165


At the ball Matilda was a great success. She was the prettiest of all the ladies present there. All the men noticed her, asked her name and wanted to impress her. She danced with enthusiasm, intoxicated with pleasure as she felt her dream getting fulfilled.

English Language and Literature 2008 Question Papers Class X