CBSE Papers

CBSE Guess > Papers > Question Papers > Class X > 2008 >Science > Science Theory

Ans. (i) Observations :

  1. Calcium Oxide reacts vigorously with water.
  2. the beaker becomes hot.

(ii) CaO (s) + H2O (l) → Ca(OH)2 (aq)
Calcium      |   Calcium hydroxide (slaked lime)

Q. 9. Study the following circuit and answer the questions that follow :
(a) State the type of combination of two resistors in the circuit.
(b) How much current is flowing through
(i) 10 and through (ii) 20 resistors?
(c) What is the ammeter reading?


Q. 10. The elements of the second period of the Periodic Table are given below :
Li Be B C N O F
(a) Give reason to explain why atomic radii decreases from Li to F.
(b) Identify the most (i) metallic and (ii) non-metallic element.

Science 2008 Question Papers Class X
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