CBSE Papers

CBSE Guess > Papers > Question Papers > Class X > 2009 > English > English Communicative

Q. 6. The pie chart given below shows the results of the health check-up conducted in the school.

  • 1 shows normal children
  • 2 shows those who are under weight
  • 3 shows those who have skin problems
  • 4 shows those who have dental problems
  • 5 shows those who have eyesight problems
  • 6 shows those who are obese

On the basis of this data and the hints given below, write a letter in 150-175 words to the editor of a national daily suggesting to the mothers to be careful about the health, food and exercise of their children. Suggest an ideal diet to overcome problems and deficiencies the young children are facing today. Sign yourself as Ronojoy/Ranjana.
• Daily bath with good soap
• Intake of balanced diet with fruits, vegetables and milk
• Studying in proper light and posture
• Less TV viewing
• Daily vigorous exercise in fresh air for at least one hour

(For the Blind Candidates only)
Children these days are not leading a healthy lifestyle. Hence most of them end up with problems in skin, teeth, eyesight, weight etc. Write a letter to the editor of a national daily in 150-175 words advising mothers on how to insist on their children’s correct food habits and exercise. Take help from the hints given above.

Ans. See Q. 6, 2006 (Comptt. I Delhi). [Pages 243-244


Q. 7. Harikesh is the witness to a robbery in his locality. He is being interviewed by Lokesh for a newspaper. Complete the dialogue given below in a suitable way. Write the answers against the correct blank numbers. Do not copy the whole sentences. 1×4=4
Lokesh : So Harikesh, you saw the robber snatch the bag from the old lady. Which (a) ___________________________________________?
Harikesh : He ran towards the railway line. I saw him jumping into a carriage. Lokesh : Was (b) _____________________________________________?
Harikesh : No, it was not moving. I jumped in behind him. Lokesh : Were (c) ____________________________________________?
Harikesh : No, I was not afraid. I have seen it happening in films many times.
Lokesh : Why (d) ______________________________? He could have hurt you.
Harikesh : It was not a risk. The old lady is my mother and if I had not got the bag back, we would have starved.

Ans. (a) way did he run to after the robbery? (b) the carriage moving? (c) you not afraid while jumping in? (d) did you take that risk?

English Communicative 2009 Question Papers Class X
English Communicative 2009 Question Papers Class X
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