CBSE Papers

CBSE Guess > Papers > Question Papers > Class X > 2009 > English > English Communicative

Q. 2.2 Find words/phrases from the passage which mean the same as the following: 4
(a) increasing (para 1)
(b) uncontrolled eating (para 3)
(c) improving outward looks/appearance (para 4)
(d) to think that something is the same as something else (para 5)

(a) escalating
(b) binge eating
(c) cosmetic
(d) equate


Q. 3. Messrs Dolton & Mayors have selected Smita Sahu as Sales Manager for their company and drafted the letter given below to intimate her. The firm later decided to send a telegram instead, to save time. Draft the telegram on behalf of the Manager Personnel in not more than 25 words. Copy the format of the telegram from the Question Paper. 5
Messrs Dolton & Mayors
Shakti Towers
New Delhi
02 September, 2009
Ms. Smita Sahu
Sector 17
Sub: Offer of Appointment as Sales Manager Dear Ms. Smita Sahu
I am pleased to inform you that you have been selected for the post of Sales Manager by our firm.You are requested to report at the Head Office on 15 September, 2009 by 9 a.m. to Mr. Varghese George. Delay on your part may be considered as your inability to accept this offer. Kindly confirm your acceptance telegraphically.
Accommodation has been arranged for you at the company guest house and you are entitled to travelling allowance.

Yours sincerely
Naveen Giri
Manager Personnel

Receiver’s Name
and Address:



Sender’s Name:

Sender’s Address:
(not to be telegraphed)

Ans. See Q.4, 2009, (Comptt. I Delhi). [Page 396

English Communicative 2009 Question Papers Class X
English Communicative 2009 Question Papers Class X
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