CBSE Guess > Papers > Question Papers > Class X > 2009 > English > English Communicative
Q. 4. The statistics given below appeared in a newspaper after a study was conducted on obesity and related diseases amongst teenagers. You are Krish/Krishna, Secretary of Health Club of your school. You are to give a speech in the morning assembly on the ‘Importance of Physical Exercise’. Using the information provided, along with your own ideas and those from the unit on ‘Health’, write your speech in 150-175 words. 10
‘Weight and Health Watch’
• Obese adolescents prone to diabetes
• Sedentary lifestyle between ages of 2–14
• Sit and watch TV programmes
• Do not play any games
• Use public transport to school – no cycling or walking
• Eat junk food and drink aerated drinks
• Obesity leads to pressure on heart, bones, nerves etc.
• Advise physical exercise to keep slim and healthy |
Ans. Good morning Principal Sir, Respected Teachers and My dear Friends,
I, Krish, Secretary of the Health Club, have come before you to speak about the ‘Importance of Physical Exercise’.
Overweight and obesity have assumed alarming proportions in the present times. This has more to do with a sedentary lifestyle, more so among children and teenagers which is leading to related diseases. The children normally prefer to sit and watch TV programmes than to play outdoor games. While commuting to school, most of us are using public or private transport instead of walking or cycling. We eat junk food like burgers and pizzas and drink aerated drinks. As a result, the little physical exercise we do in school is as good as negligible, as our calorie-intake is very high. This, in general, leads to accumulated fats in our body and makes us obese. Obesity leads to pressure on the heart, bones, nerves, etc. It is high time we make a conscious effort to exercise regularly to keep slim and healthy. Physical exercise helps us to stay fit, improves blood circulation and keeps us free from life-threatening diseases. We must indulge in some form of physical activity like swimming, outdoor sports, going to the gym, jogging, etc. We must remember—‘A Healthy Mind stays in a
Healthy Body’.
Thank you.
Q. 5. You have come across the following news item in the news magazine, ‘Outlook’: 10
For a tiny gold ring, miners dig up 30 tonnes of rock and sprinkle it with diluted cyanide to extract the yellow metal. Sometimes the cyanide flows into rivers, killing fish. Rock that does not have gold is put into waste piles which when exposed to air and water can produce pollutants like arsenic which are extremely poisonous. Hard rock mining generates more toxic waste than any other industry. |
Taking hints from the above news item, your own ideas and the ideas given in the unit, ‘Environment’, write a letter in 150-175 words to the editor of a national daily expressing your views how this act of irresponsible mining poses dangers to the environment and health of miners. Suggest measures to overcome this problem. You are Benita/Benny living at 121, Mansarovar Colony, Delhi. 10
English Communicative 2009 Question Papers Class X
CBSE 2009 Question Papers Class X