CBSE Papers

CBSE Guess > Papers > Question Papers > Class X > 2009 > English > English Communicative

Q. 8. Dinesh is being interviewed for the Students’ page of a newspaper. Complete the dialogue given below in a suitable way. Write your answers against the correct blank numbers. Do not copy the whole sentences. 1×4=4

Interviewer : (a) ________________________________________________________
Dinesh : Yes, I think my school is the best school.
Interviewer : (b) ________________________________________________________
Dinesh : Mrs. Dolly Verma is the best. She teaches us English.
Interviewer : (c) ________________________________________________________
Dinesh : I got 95 marks.
Interviewer : (d) ________________________________________________________
Dinesh : I am sure she was very happy.

Ans. (a) Do you think your school is the best?
(b) Who is the best teacher in your school and what does she teach?
(c) How many marks did you get in English?
(d) Was she happy with your marks?

Q. 9. Given below is the schedule of Mr. Rajiv Kumar who is visiting The Valley School for inspection. As Head Prefect of the school, you are to put up his programme on the notice board. Complete the programme using the words or phrases in their suitable form from the box given below. Do not add any new information. Write only the correct answers against the correct blank numbers in your answer sheet. 1×5=5

school visit – inpsection – 15th Sept 2009 – first school assembly - scheduled meeting with the members of the Management Committee – join staff members – departure

On 15th September, 2009, Mr. Rajiv Kumar (a) ............................... on inspection. He (b) ............................... the school assembly. Then he plans (c) ............................... . After that he (d) ............................... at tea before he (e) ............................... .

Ans. (a) will be visiting our school
(b) will first address the students during
(c) to have a meeting with the members of the Management Committee
(d) will be joining the staff members
(e) departs

English Communicative 2009 Question Papers Class X
English Communicative 2009 Question Papers Class X
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