CBSE Papers

CBSE Guess > Papers > Question Papers > Class X > 2009 > English > English Communicative

Q. 10. The following passage has not been edited. There is one error in each line. Write the incorrect word and the correction in your answer sheet against the correct blank number. The first one has been done as an example. 1/2×8=4
Incorrect / Correct
Contrary by popular belief, the dreaded Aedes by to
mosquito, the carrier of the many feared Dengue (a) ...................... .....................
virus, striken between dawn and dusk. (b) ...................... .....................
Much conventional types strike usually at night. (c) ...................... .....................
The Aedes mosquito must breed anywhere near (d) ...................... .....................
your home by tin cans, coconut shells, piles (e) ...................... .....................
of garbage or even in your flower vase. Which (f) ...................... .....................
is important is that they breeds in fresh water (g) ...................... .....................
and it can be stop from breeding by keeping (h) ...................... .....................
the surroundings of your house clean.

Ans. (a) many ... much (f) by ... in (b) striken ... strikes (f) which ... what (c) Much ... Most (g) they ... it (d) must ... can (h) stop ... stopped

Q. 11. Use the information in the headlines to complete the news items given below. Write the answers in your answer sheet against the correct blank numbers. Do not copy the whole sentences. 1×3=3
A new variety of Canna flower (a) ........................................ .
The Prime Minister (b) ........................................ in December 2009.
A businessman (c) ........................................ five lakhs while he was on his way home from the bank.

Ans. (a) was discovered by botanists
(b) will visit Pakistan
(c) was robbed of

Ans. (a) had to wade through chest deep water (b) have risen. (c) crime has risen. (d) will be introduced from 2009.


Q. 12. Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow. Write each answer in in one or two lines only. 3
and they sat around
on the floor with my mother in the centre,
the peace of understanding on each face.
(a) Why was mother lying on the floor? 1
(b) Explain: ‘the peace of understanding on each face’. 2

Ans. (a) Mother was lying on the floor because she had been stung by a scorpion.
(b) The peasants firmly believed that one’s sufferings purified one’s past sins. So, their faces had an expression of ‘understanding’ as the mother underwent her share of suffering and agony to purify her past sins.

English Communicative 2009 Question Papers Class X
English Communicative 2009 Question Papers Class X
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