CBSE Papers

CBSE Guess > Papers > Question Papers > Class X > 2009 > Mathematics > Mathematics

Q. 8. The length of a minor arc is of the circumference of the circle. Write the measure of the angle subtended by the arc at the centre of the circle.

Ans. 80°

Sol .Length of a minor arc
=2/9circumferenceof a circle …….(Given

Q. 9. Write the lower limit of the median class in the following frequency distribution .

Classes. 0–10 10–20 20–30 30–40 40–50
Frequency. 9 12 5 16 8

Ans. 20

Sol .

Class F c.f
0 - 10 8 9
10 - 20 12 12
20 - 30 5 26
30- 40 16 42
40- 50 8 50

MedianClassis 20-30
Lowerlimitof the median class is 20

Q. 10. Cards each marked with one of the numbers 6, 7, 8, …, 15 are placed in a box and mixed thoroughly. One card is drawn at random from the box. What is the probability of getting a card with number less than 10?

Ans .

Sol. Total no. of cards = 10
Number of cards less than 10 = 6, 7, 8, 9 i.e. 4
 Reqd. probability =

Mathematics 2009 Question Papers Class X
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