CBSE Papers

CBSE Guess > Papers > Question Papers > Class X > 2009 > Social Science > Social Science

Q. 16. Explain any three conditions that favour the growth of railways in the northern plains of India. 3×1=3

Ans. See Q. 22, PQP 2. [Page 21

Q. 17. Study the table given below and answer the questions that follow .

Type of regimes and countries Growth Rate
All democratic regimes 3.95
All dictatorial regimes 4.42
Poor countries under dictatorship 4.34
Poor countries under democracy 4.28

(17.1) What is the rate of economic growth of all dictatorial regimes?
(17.2) Mention any two reasons why economic growth rate alone cannot be a reason to reject democracy. 1+2=3

Ans. (17.1) The economic growth rate of all dictatorial regimes is 4.42%.
(17.2) The inability of a democracy to achieve higher economic growth rate is not reason enough to reject democracy. This is because:
(a) Economic development depends on several factors such as a country’s population size, global situation, cooperation from other countries, economic priorities adopted by the country, etc. and not just democratic principles alone.
(b) A democracy has several other positive outcomes which make it a better option than dictatorships. A democracy is a people’s own government. Decisions in a democracy are acceptable to the people and are more effective.

Q. 18. Analyse with three suitable examples why rules and regulations are required for the protection of consumers in the marketplace. 3×1=3

Ans. Rules and regulations are required for the protection of consumers in the market place.

— The consumers often find themselves in a weak position as the seller always tries to shift the responsibility on to the consumer
— Rules and regulations are necessary to prevent unfair trade practices such as overcharging, selling commodities in smaller quantities than shown on the package, hoarding, black-marketing, adulteration of food and edible oils, charging more than the actual price, weighing less, selling defective goods, etc. Rules and regulations give support to consumers.
— Till recently there was no authority or organisation where a consumer could lodge a complaint. All a buyer could do was avoid buying the brand for which he was cheated. Rules and Regulations and the Consumer movement today are a social force to safeguard the rights of consumers.

Q. 19. “Equality before law did not necessarily stand for universal suffrage in France after the revolution.” Explain with suitable examples. 4

Ans. “Equality before law did not necessarily stand for universal suffrage in France after the revolution.” Universal suffrage or universal right to vote was never granted. In revolutionary France, as part of the first political experiment in liberal democracy, the right to vote and get elected was granted exclusively to property-owning men. Men without property and all women did not get political rights. Only briefly under the Jacobins all the adult males enjoyed suffrage. The Napoleonic Code also went back to limited suffrage and reduced women to the status of a minor, subject to the authority of fathers and husbands. Throughout the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, women and non-propertied men organised opposition movements demanding equal political rights.

Social Science 2009 Question Papers Class X
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