CBSE Guess > Papers > Question Papers > Class XII > 2004 > Biology > Delhi Set-II
BIOLOGY (Set II— Delhi)
Except for the following questions, all the remaining questions have been asked in Set I .
SECTION A Q. 1. How does saliva act in body defence? 1
SECTION - B Q. 6. What is hydroponics? Give one application of this technique. 2
Q. 9. Where are auxins synthesised in plants? Mention any two of their functions. 2
Q. 10. Differentiate between mutualism and commensalism. 2
Q.13. Name the different types of granulocytes Give the function, of the one which constitutes maximum percentage of the total leucocytes. 2
Q. 14. Which gases cause stratospheric ozone depletion? What is the result of this depletion? 2
Q. 15. Explain briefly how computed tomography (CT) helps the doctors in pinpointing the defects in patient's body 2
Or Name the cells that produce antibodies. Explain the main function of these coin pounds.
SECTION - C Q. 23. Define inbreeding. What is the danger of inbreeding? 3
SECTION - D Q. 26. Explain the major steps of Glycolysis. Where does this process occur in a cell? 5
CBSE 2004 Question Papers Class XII