CBSE Papers

CBSE Guess > Papers > Question Papers > Class XII > 2004 > Chemistry > Outside Delhi Set-III

CHEMISTRY (Set III—Outside Delhi)

Except for the following questions, all the remaining questions have been asked in Set I and Set II.

Q. 1. What is meant by coordination number in an ionic crystal? 1

Q. 2. How is the molality of a solution different from its molarity? 1

Q. 3. Give one example of pseudo first order reaction. 1
          CH3COOC2H5 + H2O --> CH3COOH + C2H5OH

Q. 6. Compare the relative stability of the following species and comment on their magnetic (paramagnetic or diamagnetic) behaviour: 2

Q. 7. Give the chemical reactions in support of the following observation: 2
(i) The +5 oxidation state of Bi is less stable than its +3 state.
(ii) Sulphur exhibits greater tendency for catenation than selenium.

Q. 8. What is meant by copolymerization? Give an example of such a polymer. 2

Q. 13. What do you understand by activity and selectivity of catalysts? Describe Some features of catalysis by zeolites. 3

Q. 18. Briefly describe each of the following: 3
(i) Activation analysis
(ii) Carbon dating
(iii) Use of radioisotopes in medicines

Q. 19. Write the reactions with conditions to bring about the following conversions: 3
(i) Benzaldehyde to Benzyl alcohol
(ii) Toluene to Beuzaldehyde
(iii) Hexanamide to Hexanenitrile

Q. 23. Describe the following giving an example in each case: 3
(i) Double-base propellants (ii) Edible colours (iii) Antifertility drugs


Describe the following and give an example for each one of them:
(i) Hybrid propellants (ii) Preservatives (iii) Vat dyes

Chemistry 2004 Question Papers Class XII
Delhi Outside Delhi Compartment Delhi Compartment Outside Delhi
Indian Colleges Set I Indian Colleges Set I Indian Colleges Set I Indian Colleges Set I
Indian Colleges Set II Indian Colleges Set II Indian Colleges Set II Indian Colleges Set II
Indian Colleges Set III Indian Colleges Set III