CBSE Papers

CBSE Guess > Papers > Question Papers > Class XII > 2004 > English > Compartment Delhi Set-II

ENGLISH (Set II— Compartment Delhi)

Except for the following questions, all the remaining questions have been asked in Set I .



B2. You have witnessed a train accident where the Delhi-bound Goa Express derailed Write a report in 125 words to be published in Naveen Times, Goa . You are Jyothi/Joshua of Goa .


You have attended a meeting wherein a number of people talked about a ban on cow-slaughter As Nandu/Nandini, reporter of The Hindustan Times, Delhi , write a report in 25 words. 10

B3. Write a letter to the post Master, General Post Office, Lucknow complaining of late delivery of letters. You are Murali/Mohit of Aminabad, Lucknow . 10


You are Apoorva/Aprita. You bought a Muss from Ganesh Electronics and Electricals, Gandhi Marg, Nagpur . It does not function properly. Write a letter to the Saks Manager of the shop, complaining about the defect and asking for immediate replacement or repair, as necessary.



C2. Answer the following in 30-40 words each: 6x2=12
(i) Why did Gandhiji address his appeal directly to Women?
(ii) What important problems of the science of language cat be studied in India?
(iii) How did the idea of renting the same room to two persons strike Mrs. Bouncer?
(iv) Why does the poet call the war 'quaint and curious'?
(v) Machines are worshipped and valued as well as hated and loathed - Why?
(vi) Why did the narrator leave his brother at the roadside'

C5. Answer the following in 30-40 words each: 4x2=4
(i) Why was Mrs. Wang store afraid of the river than the Japanese soldiers?
(ii) How did Abu Tani's wife learn how to weave?
(iii) What is Evie's argument for helping Mr. Gresham?
(iv) What, according to Bismarck and Kipling, is the zest for living'?

English 2004 Question Papers Class XII
Delhi Outside Delhi Compartment Delhi Compartment Outside Delhi
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