![]() CBSE Guess > Papers > Question Papers > Class XII > 2005 > Biology > Delhi Set-I BIOLOGY 2005 (Set I—Delhi) SECTlON - A Q. 1. What would happen to the rate of photosynthesis in C3 plants if the CO2 concentration level almost doubles from its present level in the atmosphere? 1 Q. 2. In humans, starch digestion begins in the buccal cavity but stops in the Stomach. Why? 1 Q. 3. Name the two most biodiversity-rich zones of India. 1 Q. 4. Name the hormone that makes the plants more tolerant to various stresses. 1 Q. 5. Name the t major groups of cells required in attaining specific immunity. 1 SECTION - B Q. 6. Name the end products of aerobic and anaerobic glycolysis List two ways by which molecules of ATP are produced in glycolysis during aerobic respiration in a cell. 2 Q. 7. Differentiate between Total Fertility Rate (TFR) and Replacement Level (RL). 2 Q. 8. Due to uncontrolled excessive hunting the population of tigers in a forest becomes Zero. Discuss the long-term effects of this situation on the population of deer in that forest. 2 Q. 9. Name the source gland of leutinising hormone (LH). Mention the other hormone along with which it acts on its target cells/organ. Give their two functions. 2 Q. 10. Can all the four chambers of the human heart experience systole simultaneously? Explain justifying your answer. 2 Q. 11. Why d scientists pick hydrogen as the basis for MRI scanning? Name of the human body that do not appear in an MRI scan. 2 Q. 12. What is thermal stratification? How does thermal stratification in temper ate lakes help in rich growth of phytoplanktons during autumn and spring turn-over’ 2 Q. 13. Where do PGA and glycine gain entry respectively after being formed during photorespiration in plants? What happens to them immediately after? 2 Q. 14. What is meant by bioassay? Name the two bioassays that are used to Q. 15. Explain CO2 compensation point. 2 SECTION - C Q. 16. Define the following and give their values in a normal human adult: 3 Q. 17. (i) How do grasslands differ from Savannas? Q. 18. Explain the Capillarity Theory in respect of ascent of water in plants. Name the tissue involved. 3 Q. 19. Explain the initiation of muscle contraction. What is the role of Sarcoplasmic Reticulum, Myosin head and F-action during contraction in striated muscles? 3 Q. 21. Why is sub-culturing essential in plant tissue culture? 3 Q. 22. Where and how is urea produced in ureotelic animals? What happens to the kidney filtrate in descending loop of Henle and collecting tubules in humans? 3 Q. 24. Mention where the following are located in the human brain, and give one function of each: 3 Q. 25. Define innate immunity. Name and explain the category of barrier which involves macrophages. 3 SECTION - D Q. 26. What is the basis of classifying ‘cancer? Name and explain the different Categories of cancer. Mention any two approaches for cancer treatment. 5 Q. 27. Draw a diagram of the longitudinal section of a mature anatropous ovule and label any ten parts in it. 5 English 2005 Question Papers Class XII
CBSE 2005 Question Papers Class XII