CBSE Guess > Papers > Question Papers > Class XII > 2005 > Economics > Delhi Set-II ECONOMICS 2005 (Set-II Delhi) Except for the following question, all the remaining questions have hem asked in Set I. SECTION – A Q.1. Answer the following questions: a) What is meant by producer’ equilibrium? Q. 6. Complete the following table: 4
Q. 8. The price of commodity is Re. 15 per unit and its quantity demanded is 500 units Its quantity demanded rises by 80 units as a result of a fall in its price by 20 per cent. Calculate its price elasticity of demand. Is its demand inelastic? Give reason for your answer. 4 SECTION – B Q. 13. Answer the following questions: 1x4 Q. 14. From the following data about firm ‘A’, calculate its gross value added at fac- tor cost: 3
Q. 16. Complete the following table: 3
Q. 17. Explain the meaning of inflationary gap with the help of a diagram. 3 Q. 20. State the four functions of money. Describe any one of these. 4 Q. 23. From the following data, calculate: 3
Economics 2005 Question Papers Class XII
CBSE 2005 Question Papers Class XII