CBSE Papers

CBSE Guess > Papers > Question Papers > Class XII > 2006 > Biology > Delhi Set -II

BIOLOGY— 2006 (Set II—Delhi)

General Instructions: Same as in Set - I, (Delhi Board) 2006

Note: Except for the following questions all the remaining questions have been asked in Set – I.


Q. 4. Name the enzyme, which acts on carbonic acid in living cells. (1)


Q. 7. What is sonography/ultrasound? Why is it considered safer than radiography? (2)

Q. 12. What is meant by total fertility rate? How does it differ from replacement level? (2)

Q. 13. Which type of conservation measure, in situ or ex situ, will help the larger number of species to survive? Explain. (2)

Q. 15.Why are gray matter and white matter contained in human nervous system named so? (2)


Q. 17. Give the information about the following mineral nutrients in plants as asked against each:

  1. Boron: Chemical form in which absorbed from the soil, deficiency symptom with respect to flower.
  2. Manganese: The best defined function in photosynthesis its one deficiency symptom in plants.
  3. Sulphur: Any one amino acid in which it is present, effect of deficiency on younger leaves. (3)

Q. 19. Differentiate between inbreeding and heterosis. What is inbreeding depressio (3)

Q. 20. Draw a diagram of the transverse section of a bibbed anther. Label any six parts in it. (3)

Q. 21. What is the role of calcium ions, troponin and F-Actin during contraction in striated muscles of humans? (3)


Explain giving one example of each, the three types of joints in human skeleton, based on the capacity of movement. (3)


Q. 27. Draw a diagram of the internal view of human middle ear and cochlea. Label any ten parts in it. (5)


Draw a schematic diagram of the cross section of spinal cord along with the knee jerk reflex arc showing one afferent and two different fibre pathways. Label any ten parts in it.

Biology 2006 Question Papers Class XII
Delhi Outside Delhi Compartment Delhi Compartment Outside Delhi
Indian Colleges Set I Indian Colleges Set I Indian Colleges Set I Indian Colleges Set I
Indian Colleges Set II Indian Colleges Set II Indian Colleges Set II Indian Colleges Set II
Indian Colleges Set III Indian Colleges Set III Indian Colleges Set III