CBSE Papers

CBSE Guess > Papers > Question Papers > Class XII > 2006 > Business Studies > Compartment Delhi Set - I

Business Studies — 2006 (Set I — Compartment Delhi)

Q. 1. Explain ‘Integration’ as an element of coordination. (2)

Q. 2. Give two examples of impact of the political environment on companies. (2)

Q. 3. Explain how supervision facilitates control. (2)

Q. 4. What is meant by ‘financial planning’? (2)

Q. 5. Explain ‘Marketing Research’ as a function of Marketing. (2)

Q. 6. Name and explain the technique of Taylor which is the strongest motivator for a worker to reach standard performance. (3)

Q. 7. List any six qualities of a good leader. (3)

Q. 8. Differentiate between ‘Marketing’ and ‘Selling’ on any three bases. (3)

Q. 9. Explain any three factors which affect the working capital requirements of a company. (3)

Q. 10. Amit and Mikki are working in the same organisation but in different departments. One day at lunch time Mikki informed Amit that due to computerisation many people are going to be retrenched soon from the organisation.
Name, which type of communication is this. State any two limitations of this type of communication. (3)

Q. 11. Explain the principle of ‘unity of direction’ and ‘esprit decorps’. (4)

Q. 12. State any four points to be taken into consideration, while building an organisational structure. (4)

Q. 13. Which method of wage payment, time rate or piece rate, would you prefer in the following situations and why? (4)

  1. When production process requires high degree of skill.
  2. When quantity of output is more important than its quality.
  3. When job is of a repetitive nature and the output can easily be measured.
  4. When collective efforts of a group of workers are required for the performance of work.

Q. 14. What is meant by ‘Money Market’? List any four money market instruments. (4)

Q. 15. Explain any four functions of ‘Stock Exchange’. (4)

Q. 16. ‘Management is an Art’. Do you agree? Give any five reasons in support of your answer. (5)

Q. 17. State any five benefits of understanding of Business Environment. (5)

Q.18. Explain the process of control as a function of management. (5)

Q. 19. Explain briefly any five causes of over-capitalisation. (5)

Q. 20. Which medium of advertising would you like to choose for a new mobile phone with some special features? Give four reasons in support of your choice. (5)

Q. 21. Explain the process of Planning, in brief. (6)


Explain any six limitations of Planning.

Q. 22. Explain the meaning of ‘Formal Organisation’ and ‘Informal Organisation’. Differentiate between the two on the basis of: (6)

  1. Behaviour of members
  2. Adherence to rules


Explain the meaning of ‘Decentralisation’ and ‘Delegation of Authority’. Differentiate between the two on the basis of:

  1. Scope
  2. Significance

Q. 23. State any six reasons why training is needed in an organisation. (6)


State the first six steps in the process of staffing.

Q. 24. Explain any four sales promotion techniques used by marketers to promote sales.


Explain any four factors to be considered while taking the pricing decision.

Q. 25. State any six rights of consumers under the Consumer Protection Act. (6)


State any six ways and means of consumer protection.


Business Studies 2006 Question Papers Class XII
Delhi Outside Delhi Compartment Delhi Compartment Outside Delhi
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