CBSE Papers

CBSE Guess > Papers > Question Papers > Class XII > 2007 > Business Studies > Delhi Set -I

Business Studies — 2007 (Set I — Delhi)

Q. 1. What is meant by Supervision ? 2

Q. 2. What is meant by Marketing Management ? 2

Q. 3. Explain in brief the concept of Personal Selling. 2

Q. 4. What role does social environment play in the business ? 2

Q. 5. Mohan, a manager expects his subordinates to adapt to the new environs and working conditions without giving them time to settle down. Which principle of management is being overlooked and why ? 2

Q. 6. Write short note on ‘management as an activity’. 3

Q. 7. State any three factors that influence the effectiveness of a leader. 3

Q. 8. Distinguish between ‘formal’ and ‘informal’ communication. 3

Q. 9. Briefly explain any three Objectives of marketing management. 3

Q. 10.State with reasons your choice of a media of advertising for selling of toys. 3

Q. 11. Differentiate between’management’and’administration’. 4

Q. 12. What is meant by ‘money market’ ? Briefly explain the concept of ‘call money’. 4

Q. 13. Define ‘delegation’ and differentiate it with ‘decentralisation’. Any three points. 4

Q. 14. With the help of suitable examples bring out any four differences between training and development. 4

Q. 15. What is meant by a ‘Primary Market’? Briefly explain the concept of ‘Initial Public Offer.’ 4

Q. 16. What is meant by ‘Work Study’ ? Briefly explain the role of ‘Time’ and ‘Motion’ studies while setting the Standard Task. 5

Q. 17. Explain in brief the term ‘Liberalisation’. In what ways have the Indian business ouses/managements responded to this change ? 5

Q. 18.What is meant by ‘controlling’ ? Briefly explain any three points of importance of controlling. 5

Q. 19. Explain the term ‘Financial Management’. Briefly explain any three of its objectives. 5

Q. 20. What is meant by the term ‘Capital Structure’ ? Briefly explain any three factors that affect the capital structure of a company. 5

Q. 21.Explain the steps involved in the process of organisation. 6


Briefly explain the considerations that need to be kept in mind while designing the organisational structure of a company.

Q. 22.What are the features of ‘Planning’ ? Explain any six. 6


Explain how does planning help reducing uncertainties ?

Q.23.What is meant by ‘Recruitment’ ? Explain any five external sources of recruitment of employees. 6


What is meant by ‘Selection’ ? Explain any five steps involved in the process of selection of employees.

24. Briefly explain the different factors that determine the choice of channels of distribution of any product. 6


“Advertising misleads customers and increases the cost of products”. Do you agree with this statement ? Give reasons in support of your answer.

Q. 25. Explain any three ways and means of consumer protection available in India. 6


Explain any three responsibilities of the consumer to safeguard his interest.


Business Studies 2007 Question Papers Class XII
Indian Colleges Set I Indian Colleges Set II Indian Colleges Set III