CBSE Papers

CBSE Guess > Papers > Question Papers > Class XII > 2007 > Poltical Science > Delhi Set - III

Poltical Science - 2007 (Set III - Delhi)

Q. 1. Differentiate between the concept of Dharma and Religion. 2

Q. 2. Has globalisation increased or decreased the activities of the modern state ? Explain how. 2

Q. 3. Mention any four Fundamental Duties expected from a citizen. 2

Q. 4. What do you understand by political socialisation ? 2

Q. 5. What is territorial representation ? 2

Q. 6. Mention any two measures to curb criminalisation of politics in India. 2

Q. 7. Write a short note on two party system. 2

Q. 8. What is a Regional Party ? Mention any one regional party of India. 1+1

Q. 9. Explain the concept of ‘Humanism’. 2

Q. 10. Explain any two domestic determinants of the Foreign Policy of India. 2

Q. 11. Discuss the relationship between law and liberty. 4

Q. 12. Explain (a) Right to Personal Liberty and (b) Equality before Law. 2+2

Q. 13. What do you understand by Comparative Politics ? Why do we study it ? 2+2

Q. 14. Explain the differences between the traditional and modern approaches to the study of Comparative Politics. 4

Q. 15. How can we curb the undue use of money and muscle power during elections in India ? 4

Q. 16. Explain the role of the National Development Council in India’s socio-economic development. 4

Q. 17. What do you understand by women’s empowerment ? What is the role of education in empowering women ? 4

Q. 18. Differentiate between regionalism and separatism. What factors are responsible for growing regionalism in India ? 4

Q. 19. Discuss India’s role in the UNO. 4

Q. 20. Explain the concept of empirical liberalism. 4

Q. 21. Equality implies ‘equality of opportunities’ and not ‘equality of outcomes’. Do you agree with this view ? Why ? 2+6


What is justice ? Are you in favour of ‘protective discrimination’ to ensure social justice in India ? Give arguments for your answer.

Q 22. Describe the main tenets of Marxism. What led to the decline of Communist movements in recent times ? 4+4


On what grounds did Gandhiji criticise the modern Western civilization ? What was his concept of an ideal State ?

Q. 23. What is the importance of public opinion in a democracy ? What are the conditions for the formulation of sound public opinion ? 4+4


Write a critical essay on the emerging trends in the party system in India.

Q. 24. What factors are responsible for the prevailing socio-economic disparities in India ? How can we curb them ? 8


Write a critical note on India’s National Policy of Education, 1986.

Q. 25. Discuss India’s changing relationship with Russia. 8


Assess the importance and impact of ‘Globalisation’ in India’s Foreign Policy.


Poltical Science 2007 Question Papers Class XII
Indian Colleges Set I Indian Colleges Set II Indian Colleges Set III