CBSE Papers

CBSE Guess > Papers > Question Papers > Class XII > 2010 > Computers and Life Insurance Administration (Theory)

Computers and Life Insurance Administration (Theory) 2010 Question Paper For CBSE Class XII Exams

Part A

  1. Name two DBMS software packages other than RELATIONAL.(1 Marks)
  2. Name the type of Field organization other than indexed sequential Organinsation.(1 Marks)
  3. Mention one of the most important fields where AFM helps policyholder’s servicing.(1 Marks)
  4. What do you mean by the term ‘INFORMATION’? (1 Marks)
  5. Write a short note on ‘premium Notices’. (1 Marks)
  6. Name the method of Access and Media usable in respect of sequential method of File organization. (1 Marks)
  7. Write a short note  on ‘Premium Notices : (2 Marks)
  8. State the method of Access and Media usable in Indexed Sequential File organization. (2 Marks)
  9. Describe in brief what is meant by management Information system. (2 Marks)
  10. Explain briefly as to how life insurance is different from ordinary savings. (2 Marks)
  11. What is back – up data file? What is the need for back – ups to be taken? What is Father Back – up? (3 Marks)
  12. Mention the main information required regarding agents for master File. Also mention the biggest advantage of Agency Master file. (3 Marks)

Part B

  1. To obtain the document called ________________is the pre- condition for becoming an insurance agent. (Fill in the blank ) (1 Marks)
  2. What do you mean by the term ‘Decentralization’? (1 Marks)
  3. The primary job of a Development officer is to appoint ______________ and through them develop ________________ business. (Fill in the blanks) (1 Marks)
  4. Name the system of book – keeping adopted by LIC of India. (1 Marks)
  5. Describe the constitution of Investment Committee of LIC of India. (1 Marks)
  6. What is product image? (1 Marks)
  7. Mention the heads under which income can be classified for income Tax purpose. (2 Marks)
  8. Write a short note on ‘segmention’.(2 Marks)
  9. Expand the term ZTC and state its main functions. (2 Marks)
  10. Name the promoters of LIC housing Finance Ltd. (2 Marks)
  11. Explain the meaning of ‘organization’. Why is an organization established? (2 Marks)
  12. What is a Budget control Register? Describe the importance of maintaining such a register. (2 Marks)
  13. Briefly describe the importance of Post- sales service. (2 Marks)
  14. Briefly describe the functions of Accounts Department of a branch office of LIC. (3 Marks)
  15. Describe the role of a Development Officer of LIC of India. (3 Marks)
  16. State the objectives of LIC housing Finance Ltd. (3 Marks)
  17. Distinguish between Direct Taxes and Indirect Taxes. What types of taxes would be covered under Direct Taxes?3 (3 Marks)
  18. Which are the two types of Audit? Mention the provisions of Regulations 46 and 47 of LIC Regulations, 1959 (3 Marks)
  19. Distinguish between (5 Marks)
  20. 1. Prospect and proposer
    2. Life assured and Policyholder

    Can a person be both Life Assured as well as policyholder?

  21. A branch office of LIC of India is a basic unit of growth and profit Elaborate fully. (5 Marks)
  22. Mention the major areas of investment of LIC of India (5 Marks)
  23. What are the possible reasons for any organization to diversify its activities? Also describe the need for diversification of activity in LIC. (5 Marks)
  24. PR activities can be the booster of the field force and directly help in marketing Explain. Also explain the importance of PR activities in life insurance industry.(5 Marks)

Computers and Life Insurance Administration (Theory) 2010 Question Papers Class XII

CBSE 2010 Question Papers Class XII