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Fashion Studies 2010 Question Paper For CBSE Class XII Exams

Section A
  1. "Cotton fabrics can be made wrinkle -resistant." Name one such wrinkle - resistant natural fabric. (1 Marks)

    (a) Tailor's chalk
    (b) Tracing wheel
    (c) Notcher

  2. What kind of fabric is used for ‘test-fitting’? (1 Marks)

  3. What kind of facing is used to add decorative-trim to a garment? (1 Marks)
  4. Give the French words used for ‘high-fashion’ and ‘Ready-to-Wear’ in fashion business. (1 Marks)

  5. Which of the following equipments is used for transferring markings from pattern to the fabric? (1 Marks)

Section B

  1. Who are known as producers of 'Haute-Couture'? Give names of trade associations formed by French and Italian Couture designers (1 Marks)
  2. Who mastered the art of ‘heat-set-pleating’? List down the stages at which heat-pleating can be done.(2 Marks)
  3. State the two principles on which the ‘proportionate system’ of pattern construction is based.(2 Marks)
  4. “World War II gave an opportunity for American designers to flourish but U.S.Govt. Introduced some regulations governing the clothing industry”. Discuss any two regulations.(2 Marks)
  5. Why do Italian garments command high -value in the foreign markets? (2 Marks)
  6. When is fabric called ‘off-grain’? How can we correct such fabrics? (2 Marks)
  7. Flat pattern method is preferred as compared to draping method in the making of pattern. Give reasons. (2 Marks)
  8. “During ancient times, hunters adopted a certain animal as their symbol, which became a family totem through inheritance. “ Give one reason in support of the statement and explain how these symbols were publicized.(2 Marks)


    "1970s saw the clash of life-styles and aesthetic values and at the same time revival Through recognition of one's own roots.'' Explain briefly. (2 Marks)

  9. Why are darts needed to be finished away from apex? Give two reasons.(2 Marks)
  10. (a) Which English designer was responsible for creating a new look of fashion in Britain during 1960s? (2 Marks)

    (b) Give names of at least two apparel items especially contributed by U.S. fashion industry (2 Marks)

Section C

  1. Differentiate between Roman cloak and Greek Cloak.(3 Marks)
  2. How are following measurements taken of a dress-form? Explain briefly. (2 Marks)

    (a) Side seam of bodice
    (b) Front hip line
    (c) Shoulder blade

  3. What are trims? Why are they applied? Mention two design areas where trims are frequently used. (3 Marks)


    What points should be kept in mind while applying trims on a garment? Describe briefly. (3 Marks)

  4. Briefly discuss the three cross-cultural influences on ancient Indian clothing as a result of trade and invasions, with examples. (3 Marks)
  5. How will you ensure that the fit of the shoulder is smooth and comfortable? Explain the evaluation method.(3 Marks)
  6. Briefly describe the three methods of straightening fabrics. On which type of fabric can each method be used? (3 Marks)
  7. (a) How will you calculate the length and width of the piece used for making Continuous placket? Explain.
    (b) Mention any two areas, one each in men's wear and woman's were , where Continuous plackets are used. (2+1=3 Marks)
  8. What are the points to be considered before fitting a garment? (3 Marks)
  9. (a) How is Kimono Sleeve different from Set-in-Sleeve? (3 Marks)

    (b) What design variations can be achieved in a sleeveless bodice by increasing? or decreasing the shoulder width?

  10. When is a garment considered out of balance? Briefly explain three conditions.(3 Marks)

Section D

  1. "In the 20th century, every decade saw the influence of Western fashion trends on Indian costumes." Explain the statement by taking five examples from the decade of 1960s. (5 Marks)


    "India is a land of rich cultural heritage". Trace the path of 20th century Indian fashion garments from 1900 till Independence.

  2. Explain the steps of constructing continuous placket with neat labeled diagrams of the steps involved. (5 Marks)


    Explain the steps of constructing 'simple shirt placket' with neat labeled diagrams of the steps involved. (5 Marks)

  3. (a) Which city is known as the fashion - capital of the world and why?

    (b) What do you understand by the term 'Hardware' and Appliqu�' in relation to Trims?

    (c) Name two fabrics developed by U.S. textile industry. (2+2+1=5 Marks)


    (a) What do you understand by the term 'suit 'with reference to men's wear? Briefly describe its two types.

    (b) Give names of at least four British and four Mogul garments used in Indian Women's wear. (3+2=5 Marks)

Fashion Studies 2010 Question Papers Class XII

CBSE 2010 Question Papers Class XII