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First Aid & Emergency Medical Care 2010 Question Paper For CBSE Class XII Exams

First Aid & Emergency Medical Care

  1. (a) Define First Aid.
    (b) Explain shock.
    (c) Describe common causes of shock.
    (d) List common signs and symptoms of shock. ( 1+1+4+4 Marks)
  1. (a) Explain causes of burns (any three).

    (b) Describe first aid you will give to a person who is affected by chemical burns. ( 3+3 Marks)

  1. (a) Explain the first aid measures of foreign body in the eye.

    (b) Describe first aid you will give to a person who has dog bite.

  1. (a) List the general signs and symptoms of fractures.

    (b) Explain general rules of providing first aid to person with fracture. (3+3 Marks)

  1. (a) List signs and symptoms of blast injury.

    (b) Explain first aid management of blast injury. (3+3 Marks)

  1. (a) Define disaster.

    (b) List the types of disaster.

    (c) List the principles of disaster plan. (1+2+3 Marks)

  1. Write briefly on any ten of the following : (2�10=20 Marks)
    (i) C.P.R.
    (ii) First aid for road accident
    (iii) Sign and symptoms of poisoning
    (iv) First aid for snake bite
    (v) Types of wound
    (vi) Equipments in first aid unit
    (vii) Heat stroke
    (viii) Uses of triangular bandage
    (ix) Safety aspects of first aid
    (x) List the steps of human crutch for transportation
    (xi) Rules of applying roller bandage


First Aid & Emergency Medical Care 2010 Question Papers Class XII

CBSE 2010 Question Papers Class XII