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CBSE Guess > Papers > Question Papers > Class XII > 2010 > Maternity & Child Health Nursing II

Maternity & Child Health Nursing II 2010 Question Paper For CBSE Class XII Exams

  1. (a) List six drugs used in obstetrics.

    (b) Write the action and uses of oxytocics.

    (c) Explain the nursing care and management of a mother with Syntocinon drip. (2+3+5=10 Marks)

  2. (a) Define antipartum haemorrhage.

    (b) List the signs and symptoms of placenta praevia.

    (c) Explain the management of a third gravid mother in second stage of labor at Home. (2+3+5=10 Marks)

  3. (a) List the objectives of school health.

    (b) Enlist the common health problems in school children.

    (c) Explain the role of health worker in school health services. (2+3+5=10 Marks)

  4. (a) List the operational goals of family planning.

    (b) List the major activities of family health services.

    (c) Explain the role of health worker in family health services. (3+3+4=10 Marks)

  5. Write short notes on any five of the following : (2�5=10 Marks)

    (a) Community Nutrition Program me

    (b) Birth rate

    (c) Retained placenta

    (d) Hypothermia

    (e) Health hazards due to industrialization

    (f) Characteristics of pre term baby.

Maternity & Child Health Nursing II 2010 Question Papers Class XII

CBSE 2010 Question Papers Class XII