CBSE Papers

CBSE Guess > Papers > Question Papers > Class XII > 2010 > Post Harvest technology & Persevetion

Post Harvest technology & Persevetion 2010 Question Paper For CBSE Class XII Exams

  1. What is jam? Describe different steps in the method of preparation of Pineapple jam. (2+4 Marks)
  2. Give two differences between each of the following :

    (i) Chutney and Sauce
    (ii) Cellulose and Starch
    (iii) Lye peeling and Mechanical peeling (2+2+2 Marks)

  3. Write in brief the principle of removal of moisture in fruit and vegetable preservation. (6 Marks)
  4. Define growth regulators. Explain the role of any two growth regulators in regulating the storage life of fruits and vegetables. (2+4 Marks)
  5. What points will be considered while setting up a fruit processing industry? Discuss. Mention three reasons for its slow progress in India. (4+2 Marks)
Post Harvest technology & Persevetion 2010 Question Papers Class XII

CBSE 2010 Question Papers Class XII