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Reference Service 2010 Question Paper For CBSE Class XII Exams

  1. What is ready Reference Service? How can we provide this in a school library?


    What is a Long Range Reference Service? How can this be carried out in a school library?

  2. What are the five laws of library science? What is their implication in Reference Service?


    How do the five laws of library science help us to understand the philosophy of reference service?

  3. How can computers be used in a library?


    How can we compile a bibliography with the help of a computer?

  4. What is a reference book? How do we evaluate it?


    Give the names of any three reference books and evaluate any one of them.

  5. What do you understand by the term 'Reference Service'? Elaborate its role and purpose.


    What is the need of 'Reference service' in a school library, and how does it function there?

  6. Write short notes on any two of the following :

    (a) Open Access

    (b) Closed Access

    (c) Significance of Third Law of library science

  7. What is the importance of 'Reference Service' in a public library?


    Describe the main qualities of a 'Reference Librarian'.

  8. What do you understand by Initiation? Discuss important methods to initiate a newcomer in the library.


    Discuss the role of a reference librarian in school library

  9. What is Current Awareness service? Give examples.


    What is selective dissemination of information? Give suitable examples.

  10. What methods will you adopt to ascertain user's needs in a library?


    What methods will you adopt to ascertain user's needs in a library?

Reference Service 2010 Question Papers Class XII

CBSE 2010 Question Papers Class XII