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Sculpture 2010 Question Paper For CBSE Class XII Exams

  1. Describe the main features of the Mughal or Deccan School of Miniature Painting. (5 Marks)
  2. Write an essay on the evolution of the Indian National Flag and the symbolic Significance of its form and colours. (5 Marks)
  3. Why do you like or dislike the Rajasthani or Pahari Miniature Paintings? Give Your reasons in short. (5 Marks)
  4. Write a short note on any one of the following with special reference to the Paintings included in your course of study:

    (a) The tendency for composing crowded scenes involving too many Forms and figures in the Mughal Miniature Paintings.

    (b) The representation of the landscape background with typical Deccan Hills in the Deccan Miniature paintings. (5 Marks)

  5. Mention the titles of any five cotemporary (Modern) Indian Sculptures Included in your course of study, which you like most. (5 Marks)
Sculpture 2010 Question Papers Class XII

CBSE 2010 Question Papers Class XII